Ph.D., University Complutense of Madrid, Spain (2011)
M.A., University of Barcelona, Spain (2012)
M.A., Feminist Research Institute-University Complutense of Madrid, Spain (2008)
B. A., University Complutense of Madrid, Spain (2002)
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
2016 Adjunct Associate Professor. Hofstra University. Department of Romance Languages.
2015-2016 Adjunct Associate Professor. Molloy College. Department of Modern Languages.
2013-2017 Adjunct Associate Professor. 91国产. Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
2012-2017 Adjunct Associate Professor. Nassau Community College. State University of New York. Department of Foreign Languages.
2011-2012 Assistant to the Professor Lou Charnon-Deutsch. Stony Brook University, State University of New York.
2003-2004 Graduate Student Instructor. University Complutense of Madrid. Department of Contemporary History.
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
S/T: Food.Movies,And Texts In The Afro-Latinx World
Seminar 360: Race,Culture,And Film
First Year Seminar: From Tierra Del Fuego To Pyrenees: Transatlantic Visual Culture
First Year Seminar: Women'S Voices Global Choices Feminist Writers In Latin America
First Year Seminar: Gender, Race,Film,& The Us In The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Food,Movies,And Texts In The Afro-Latinx World
S/T: 360: Race, Culture, And Film
S/T: Seminar 360: Race, Culture, And Film
Courses Previously Taught
Courses Previously Taught
0101-350-001 Identities on Screen Movies from Africa to Latin America. Semester: Spring 2025.
0101-257-001 Food, Movies, and Texts in the Afro-Latinx World. Semester: Spring 2025, 2024 and Fall 2023.
0137-211-001 Seminar 360: Race, Culture, and Film. Semester: Fall 2025 and Spring 2024.
0952-110-054 First Year Seminar: From Tierra del Fuego to Pyrenees: Transatlantic Visual Culture. Semesters: Fall 2024, 2023, and 2022.
0952-110-033 First Year Seminar: Gender, Race, Film, & the US in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Semesters: Fall 2024 and 2023.
0952-110-035 First Year Seminar: Women's Voices Global Choices: Feminist Writers in Latin America. Semester: Fall 2025 and 2024.
0137-228-001 Party 360: Why We Party. Session Sep. 28th, 2020: Spanish and Mexican Salon.
0173-210-001 Western Translation Theory, fall 2019, spring 2018, spring 2017, fall 2016, spring 2015.
0173-345-345 Introduction to Interpreting, fall 2018, spring 2016, fall 2015.
0173-455-001 Advanced Translation, spring 2019, fall 2017, spring 2016.
0173-490-002 Independent Study Western Translation Theory, fall 2018, fall 2017, spring 2016.
0173-490-003 Independent Study Advanced Translation, fall 2017, spring 2017.
0172-111-001 Level I Spanish, fall 2020, spring 2020, fall 2017.
0172-121-003 Level III Spanish, fall 2020, fall 2016, fall 2015.
0172-122-001 Level IV Spanish, fall 2020, fall 2020, fall 2019, fall 2018, fall 2017, spring 2017, fall 2016, spring 2016, fall 2015.
0172- 231-001 Spanish Cross-Cultural Concepts, fall 2018.
0172-246-001 Spain Today, fall 2019, fall 2017.
0172-310-001 Strategies in Spanish Oral Communication, fall 2018.
0172-331-001 Survey of the Literature of Spain, fall 2020.
0172-344-001 Spanish Translation Techniques, spring 2018.
0172-390-001 Special Topics: Social Movements in Spain, spring 2019.
0172-412-001 Seminar in Spanish Literature, spring 2020.
0172-422-001 Seminar in Hispanic American Literature, spring 2017.
0172-490-002 Independent Study Advanced Spanish Language and Culture, fall 2019.
0172-490-002 Independent Study Development of Hispanic-American Identity, spring 2017.
0172-490-002 Independent Study Survey of the Literature of Hispanic America, spring 2016, fall 2016.
0172-490-002 Independent Study Survey of Spanish Poetry, fall 2015.
0172-490-003 Independent Study Spanish Translation Techniques, fall 2016.
0172-490-004 Independent Study Seminar in Hispanic American Literature, spring 2017, fall 2015.
0172-490-004 Independent Study Social Movements in Latin America and in Spain, spring 2016.
Research Interests
Research Interests
Nineteenth-century Iberian literatures and cultures (popular music, journalistic discourse, archival studies, and narratives of punishment, trauma and prison);
Transatlantic studies;
Spanish realism and naturalism;
Spanish women’s transnational literary and cultural networks;
Comparative literature;
Mexican studies;
Slavery and antislavery in the Hispanic world;
Gender, Sexualities, Queer, and Women studies;
Food studies;
Postcolonial studies and Indigenous studies;
Global Hispanophone studies;
Digital Humanities, Public Humanities, and Environmental Humanities
Translation Studies & Activism;
Visual and Written fiction narratives in the Hispanic Movies;
Inclusive Language;
1- Delaware: Vernon Press, 2023. 283 pages.
2.- Delaware: Vernon Press, 2023. 281 pages.
3.- . Co-editor with Lou Charnon-Deutsch. New York: Routledge, 2022. 180 pages
4.- [From the Wild Nineteenth century to the Unstable Twentieth century in Transatlantic Letters: A Retrospective Look at Hispanists.] Editor Ana I. Simón Alegre. Delaware: Vernon Press, 2022. 316 pages.
1.- “Cartagena y Murcia antes de Carmen Conde y a través de la pluma de Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer” [“Cartagena y Murcia Before Carmen Conde and through the Quill of Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer”.] In [“Noon Exact Ignited.” Studies on Carmen Conde. ] Edited by Manuel Broullón Lozano, Cari Fernández Hernández, and Fran Garcerá Román. Madrid: Visor, 2024, pp. 25-54.
2.- “Dos de las muchas escritoras que vivieron del cuento: Julia de Asensi y Gloria Fuertes” [“Two of the Numerous Short Story Writers of Their time: Julia de Asensi and Gloria Fuertes”.] In [Gloria: the Poet of Forbidden Loves.] Edited by Lola Lapaz. Madrid: Editorial Dos Bigotes, 2024, pp. 105- 132.
3.- “.” In Edited by Claire Martin and Clorinda Donato. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 711-727.
4.- “Queer Literary Friendships in Salons: Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer, Carmen de Burgos, and Others.” . Edited by Ana I. Simón-Alegre and Lou Charnon-Deutsch. New York: Routledge, 2022. 51-83.
5.- “No pestañees: Activismo, identidad y firma visual en Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1873-1909)” [“Don't Blink: Activism, Identity and the Visual Signature of Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1873-1909).”] [From the Wild Nineteenth century to the Unstable Twentieth century in Transatlantic Letters: A Retrospective Look at Hispanists.] Edited by Ana I. Simón-Alegre. Delaware: Vernon Press, 2022. 117-140.
6- “Introduction: From Chicas Raras to Queer Women in Spanish Modern Culture.” Co-written with Lou Charnon-Deutsch. Edited by Ana I. Simón-Alegre and Lou Charnon-Deutsch. New York: Routledge, 2022. 1-16.
7.- “Activismo social a través de la traducción y el periodismo: Colombine y Magda Donato y sus críticas al sistema penal en el primer tercio del siglo XX” ["Social Activism through Translation and Journalism: Colombine and Magda Donato and Their Criticism of the Penal System in the first third of the Twentieth century."] [Crime, Justice and Punitive Systems.] Coordinated by Tiago da Silva Cesar, Wellington Barbosa da Silva, and Flavio de Sa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Neto. Editora Fi, 2021, pp. 500-536.
8.- “El suicidio en el Ejército español como detonante de la crisis de la masculinidad hegemónica a principios del siglo veinte” [Suicide in the Spanish Army as Trigger of the Crisis of Masculinity Hegemonic in the Early Twentieth century."] Boston: Peter Lang International Academic Publisher, 2020. 83-102.
9.- “Face to face with Carmen de Burgos: the influence of Nineteenth-century writers on her career and her work.” . Edited by Michelle Sharp and Anja Louis. New York: Routledge, 2017. 60-76.
10.- “Algo más que palabras: Investigar y enseñar siguiendo la senda del lenguaje inclusivo,” [More than Words: Investigate and Teach Along the Path of Non-Gender Designation.] [For an Inclusive Language: Reflecitons and studies on non-sexist strategies in the Spanish Language.] Edited by Tina Escaja and Natalia Prunes. New York: Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española, 2021. 95-127.
1.- “” ["Press, Advertising and Masculinities in The Ibero-American Album (1890-1909)"]. Historia y MEMORIA [History and Memory.] special issue Medios de comunicación y memoria: la mediatización del pasado [Media and Memory: The Meditation of the Past] coordinated by Sergio Gálvez Biesca, 22, 2021: 29-75.
2.- “Armando cuerpos armados: Ideario de la masculinidad en los cuarteles a principios del siglo XX”, [“Arming Armed Bodies: Ideology of Masculinity in the Barracks in the Early Twentieth century.”] Alcores. Revista de Historia contemporánea. Masculino/Femenino: Leyendo el cuerpo, 19 (2015): 77-89.
3.- “Corregir, castigar y olvidar a los delincuentes díscolos. Los resortes de la justicia militar en el primer tercio del siglo XX” [“Correct, Punish and Forget the Unruly Criminals. The Tactics of Military Justice in the First Third of the Twentieth Century.”] Segle XX. Revista Catalana d'Història, 6 (2013): 37-61.
4.- “Prácticas y teorías de descubrir paisajes: Viajeras y cultivadoras del estudio de la geografía en España, desde finales del siglo XIX hasta el primer tercio del XX” [“Practices and Theories to Describe Landscapes: Travelers and of the Study of Geography in Spain from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Early Twentieth.”] Written with Arancha Sanz Álvarez. Arenal, 17. 1 (2010): 55-79.
5.- “Entre el amor y la sexualidad: Palabras de mujeres en torno a las cuestiones sexuales, desde el final del siglo XIX y el inicio de la Guerra civil española (1939)” [“Between Love and Sexuality: Womens’ Words on Sexual Issues, from the Late Nineteenth Century and the Beginning of the Spanish Civil War (1939).”] Arenal, 16. 2 (2009): 281-304.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
1.- “Entwined Pathways: Revealing Feminist Discourses, Power Structures, and Support Networks Among Women.” Feminismos, género, migraciones y academias desde una perspectiva transatlántica [Feminisms, Gender, Migrations and Academies From A Transatlantic Perspective.] With Elena Deanda-Camacho. Chair: Vanesa Miseres. Latin American Studies Association 2024 Conference (LASA). Bogotá, Colombia. June 14, 2024.
2.- "Tertulias de cine transatlánticas: Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer y Rosario Pi” [“Transatlantic Film Gatherings: Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer and Rosario Pi.”] Seminar: Hacia la visibilidad lésbica y trans en el cine español y latinoamericano [Seminar: Towards Lesbian and Trans Visibility in Spanish and Latin American Cinema.] Organized and chaired by Ana Corbalán. The 55th Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Convention (NeMLA). Boston, MA. March 10, 2024.
3.- “Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer: Writing and Transatlantic Activism Going Back and Forth.” New Scholarly Editions. Chair: Felipe Martínez Pinzón. Modern Language Association (MLA). Philadelphia, PA. January 5, 2024.
4.- “El mapa digital de Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer: activismo global a principios del siglo XX” [“Reconstruction of the Activism of Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer through Mapping.”] Sesión: Redes de escritoras decimonónicas: Mapas digitales de activismo allende idiomas y naciones [Session: Networks of Nineteenth-Century Women Writers: Digital Maps of Activism Across Languages and Nations.] XXIII Congreso de la Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas: Nuevos ambientes de la hispanística: digitalización – reinscripciones – interfaces [23rd Congress of the German Association of Hispanists New Environments of Hispanistics: Digitization – Reinscriptions – Interfaces.] Coordinated by Ana I. Simón-Alegre and Catarina von Wedemeyer. Graz, Austria, February 25, 2023.
5.- “Living Indigenous Cultures: Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer and the Aztec World.” Roundtable: Transatlantic Dissidences from Tierra del Fuego to the Pyrenees. Coordinated by Feministas Unidas-Ana I. Simón Alegre. Modern Language Association (MLA). San Francisco, January 6, 2023.
6.- “Cuerpos de mujeres en las letras peninsulares: desde los folletines a las series de televisión” [“Women’s Bodies in Peninsular Literature: From Folletines to Television Series.”] Seminar: Aging and Gender in Iberian and Latin American Visual Culture. The 51st Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Convention (NEMLA). Organizer and chaired by Barbara Zecchi and Christina Beaubien. Boston, March 6, 2020.
7.- “Tracking the female ‘self’ and the author ‘self’ in Correspondence in the Late Nineteenth Century.” The Nineteenth Century in 2019. Mapping Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century. California State University, Long Beach, April 26, 2019.
8.- “Queer Women in Peninsular Spanish Literature.” Roundtable: Queer Women: Readers and Writers in 19th & 20th Peninsular Spanish Literature. Modern Language Association (MLA). Organizer and chaired by Ana I. Simón-Alegre and Lou Charnon-Deutsch. Chicago, January 4, 2019.
9.- “Maura: una novela por entregas de Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer” [“Maura: a Serialized Novel by Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer.”] 100th Annual American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Conference (AATSP). University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain, June 28, 2018.
10.- “Un hombre llamado Flor de Otoño como biopic de la heroicidad transexual a principios y a finales del siglo XX” [“A man named Flor de Otoño: A Biopic of Transsexual Heroism at the Beginning and End of the 20th Century.”] 71st Annual Kentucky Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference (KFLC). University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 19, 2018.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
1.- “.” Keynote speaker. Andrew W Mellon Foundation CNY Humanities Corridor Group. Syracuse University, April 20, 2023.
2.- Activista a tiempo completo: Investigar y enseñar a partir del feminismo y la justicia social [Full-Time Activist: Researching and Teaching from the Feminism and Social Justice.] IV Congreso de Investigadoras del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) y de Iberoamérica [4th Congress of Researchers of Ibero-America and the World Association of Researchers.] University Autónoma of Puebla, México, November 10, 2022.
3.- Murcia y Cartagena antes de Carmen Conde a través de la pluma de Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer [Murcia before Carmen Conde through the Quill of Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer at the Beginning of the Twentieth century.] I Congreso Internacional de estudios sobre Carmen Conde. Homenaje en el 25 aniversario de su Fallecimiento [1st International Congress of Studies on Carmen Conde. Tribute on the 25th Anniversary of her Death.] Patronato Carmen Conde-Antonio Oliver de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain, December 13, 2021.
4.- Feminismo y literatura (Feminism and Literature.) Graduate Seminar. Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Berlin, Germany, May, 24 2022.
5.- Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer en México: Impacto de la literatura escritas por mujeres antes de la Revolución (1883-1890) [Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer en México: Impact of Literature Written by Women in Mexico, before the Revolution (1883-1890).] Colloquium. College of Latin American Studies of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, México, August 3, 2020.
6.- Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer en México: libertad para escribir y publicar [Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer in México: Freedom to Write and to Publish.] Colloquium. University of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, México, June 23, 2019.
Other Work
Other Work
Book Presentations
1.- Book Presentation: (National Museum of Popular Cultures), México City, June 26 2024.
2.- Book Presentation: Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919). Moderator: Professor Vanesa Miseres (Notre Dame University). Latin American Studies Association 2024 Conference (LASA). Bogotá, Colombia, June 12 2024.
3.- Book Presentation: (Museum of Women), México City, May 17 2024.
4.- Interview and Book Presentation: March 27 2024.
5.- Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919). (The 5th Virtual Book Fair of the International Galdosian Association). Moderator: Dr. Wan Sonya Tang (Boston College). November, 10 2023.
6.- Moderator: Dr. Jacqueline Olvera (91国产). November, 15 2023.
7.- . Moderator: Dr. Héctor Luis Campos Ortiz (Cronista de Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz). Town Hall, Santiago Tuxtla, December, 11 2023.
8.- Book Presentation: Moderator: Olivia Domínguez (Archivo de Veracruz, Xalapa). L, Veracruz, December, 15 2023.
9.- Moderator: Marisol Galloso (Versadora, Colectivo "El Son que faltaba"). Café y foro cultural , Tlacotalpan, December, 27 2023.
Mencioned in the News
1.- Kurt Gottschalk. “Taking 91国产’s Student Radio Station Off “PAWS” and Putting an End to 91国产’s Radio Silence.” Web. 91国产. September 3, 2024.
2.- Alfonso C. Cobo Espejo. “Lengua viva. Crónicas de la lengua: EE. UU. Un idilio académico a través de las ondas” [“Living Language Chronicles. Stories of the Evolution of Language: USA: An Academic Romance Over the Airwaves”] , no. 18 enero-marzo 2023, pp. 28-31.
1.- Mujer Radial (Women in Radio). Podcast. Title: Interview with Ana I. Simón Alegre. México, June
7 2024.
2.- Voces del Sotavento (Voices from Sotavento). Podcast by Marisol Galloso. Title: Josefa Murillo y y el Papaolapan (Josefa Murillo and the Papaloapan). México, June 3 2024.
Sessions Chaired
1.- Simón-Alegre, Ana I. “Panel: Magic, Science, Spectacle: Exhibition and Knowledge in Nineteenth- Century Popular Venues.” Latin American Studies Association 2024 Conference (LASA). Bogotá, Colombia. June 9, 2024.
2.- “Panel: Black Feminist Theory and Latinx Literature: A Transatlantic Gaze.” Modern Language Association (MLA). Philadelphia, PA. January 4, 2024.
3.- “Roundtable: Voices of Resistance: Black Feminist Perspective on Art. Literature, Music, and Migration.” Modern Language Association (MLA). Philadelphia, PA. January 6, 2024.
4.- “Redes de escritoras decimonónicas: Mapas digitales de activismo allende idiomas y naciones” [Session: Networks of Nineteenth-Century Women Writers: Digital Maps of Activism Across Languages and Nations]. XXIII Congreso de la Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas: Nuevos ambientes de la hispanística: digitalización – reinscripciones – interfaces [23rd Congress of the German Association of Hispanists: New Environments of Hispanistics: Digitization – Reinscriptions – Interfaces.] Co-coordinated with Catarina von Wedemeyer. Graz, Austria, February 24-27, 2023.
5.- “Roundtable: Transatlantic Dissidences from Tierra del Fuego to the Pyrenees.” Modern Language Association (MLA). San Francisco, CA. January 6, 2023.
6.- “Seminar: Effective and Affective Teaching in the Time of Coronavirus.” The 52nd Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Convention (NEMLA). Co-coordinated with Clara Bauler. Philadelphia, PA. March 14, 2021.
7.- “Seminar: El salvaje siglo XIX en las letras hispánicas: conversación con Lou Charnon-Deutsch” [The Wild Nineteenth Century in Hispanic Literature: Conversation with Lou Charnon-Deutsch.] The 51st Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Convention (NEMLA). Boston, MA. March 5, 2020.
8.- “Roundtable: Queer Women: Readers and Writers in 19th & 20th Peninsular Spanish Literature.” Co-coordinated with Lou Charnon-Deutsch. Modern Language Association (MLA). Chicago,IL. January 4, 2019.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
2011 First Prize for “Diez cartas y una escritora: Concepción Gimeno” [Ten Letters and A Writer: Concepción Gimeno.] XIV Premio de Investigación SIEM Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer, Zaragoza University (Spain)
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
2023-2027 Editor of the journal (Feminist Fields).
2022-2023; 2024-2025 .
2021-2024 Modern Language Association (MLA) International Bibliography Fellowship (Section: Spanish, Education and Digital Studies)
2020-2021 Modern Language Association (MLA) Field Bibliographer (Section: Spanish, Education and Digital Studies)
2019- Present NeMLA´s Publishing Mentorship Program
2002-2003 Erasmus Fellowship. University of Paris IV (France)
Research Groups
2023-Present Research Group: “” [“Historial processes of racialization in Twentieth-Century Spain: Identity, biopolitics, conflict and memory.”] Sevilla University, Sevilla, Spain.
2021-2024 Research Group: “El desorden de género en la España contemporánea. Feminidades y masculinidades” [“The Gender Disorder in Modern Spain. Femininities and Masculinities.”] País Vasco University, Bilbao, Spain.
2005-2024 Study group co-founder of the History de la Prisión and its Cultural Representations [Culture Studies, Literature and History of the prison and Punitive Institutions] (Castilla la Mancha University, Ciudad Real, Spain).
University Service
University Service
2024-Present Advisor/Paws 91国产 Radio.
2018-2022 Advisor-The Multilingual Experience Club (91国产)
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by 91国产 of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.