Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2008). A conceptual model of Nursing Information Behavior (NIB). Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co..
Brown, F., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Baker, J., Kabigting, E-N. R., Bajwa, M., Dowling-Castronovo, A., Kaufman, D., Santee, R., Seibold-Simpson, S. M. & Lee, J. (In Press, 2025). Addressing the Shortage of Academic Nurse Educators: An Opportunity for Leaders in Healthcare Organization. The Journal of Nursing Administration.
Douglas K, Pajarillo E.J.Y., Smith K, De La Rosa DC, Shank H. (2024). Building a consortium to address graduate nursing student academic preparedness. Nurse Educ. 2024;00(0):1-3.
Lee, J.L., Logan, L., Pajarillo, E.J.Y., Esposito Kubanick, V., Brown, F., Kabigting, E-N.R., Santee, R., Doria, J.B., Seibold-Simpson, S. & Bajwa, M. (2024). Addressing the shortage of academic nurse educators: Enlisting Public and Business Sectors as Advocates. OJIN: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 29(2), Manuscript 2.
Vardaman, S.A., Logan, L., Davis. S.P., Sciarra, E., Doria, J.P., Baker, J., Feeney, S., Pajarillo, E.J.Y., Seibold-Simpson, S., & Bajwa, M. (2024). Addressing the shortage of academic nurse educators: Suggestions for educational institutions. Nursing Education Perspective.
Chu, W. E. C, Carroll, J. A., Aladenika, A. T., Kalista, S. T. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2023). The value of early screening in pregnant women who consume alcohol: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research 13(1), 48-62.
Pajarillo, E.J.Y., Milonas, E., Zherebchevsky, S., and Smiraglia, R. P. (2023). Home health nursing information behavior in a historic time of pandemic: Shifting taxonomic facets. Knowledge Organization, 50(5), 321 – 335.
Quay, C., Kabigting, E-N, R., Wall, C.L., Farrell., R., Suzan, Z., Washington, S., Pajarillo, E.J.Y., Seibold-Simpson, S., & Bajwa, M. (2023). The Academic nurse educator shortage: A qualitative study and a call for collaboration with professional nursing. Journal of the American Nurses Association-New York, 3(1).
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2022). Innovations in the lens of system thinking, research and nursing informatics: The editor’s vantage point. Journal of the American Nurses Association - New York 2(2), 3.
Smiraglia, R. P., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Milonas, E. & Zherebchevsky, S. (2021). Shifting taxonomies in home care Nursing Information Behavior: Patients, pandemic, community. Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure (IKOS) Bulletin, 3(1), 1-2.
Jadonath, N., Brennan, J., Cal, C. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021) The clinical, physiological, psychological, and financial implications of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIC) replacement to ascertain standard patient care practice. A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research, 11(2), 51-66.
Pajarillo, E.J.Y., Bonito, S., Torralba, J., and Cariaso, J. (2021). Expanding the faculty capacity to help meet the increased national demand resulting from the addition of Nursing Informatics in the baccalaureate program: A Philippines experience. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 11(11), 22 – 30.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. & Korn, K. (2021). Equitable academic preparation: A structured onboarding program for incoming graduate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 11(7), 1-9.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). To publish or not: Challenges for both authors and editors. Journal of the American Nurses Association - New York, 1(2), 1-2.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). The editor’s vantage point: The historical grit of nurses. Journal of the American Nurses Association - New York, 1(1), 1-2.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2020). Nurses' use of data and information to deliver safe and quality patient care in the context of Nursing Information Behavior. Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure (IKOS) Bulletin 2(2), 22-27.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2020). Knowledge discovery and development as an ongoing process in the use of data and information by nurses to deliver safe and quality care. Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure (IKOS) Bulletin, 2(3), 59-65.
Smiraglia, R. P., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Milonas, E. & Zherebchevsky, S. (2020). Home health care nursing in the pandemic: Preliminary analysis of video interviews. Institute for Knowledge Organization and Structure (IKOS) Bulletin, 2(3), 52-55.
Kaplan, D. B. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2019). Utilization and cost among home health patients with cognitive impairment: Data analysis of service use by cognitive status and primary source of payment. J of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research 9(1), 50-63.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. & Kaplan, D. B. (2018). Usability of a classroom response system in an online course: Testing of a smartphone-downloadable technology enhanced learning tool for distance education. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 9(3), 14-24. [ePrint published November 8, 2018]. .
Lim, F. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2016). Standardized handoff in clinical education: A checklist for patient safety and quality of care. Nurse Education Today, 37, 3-7.
Paguio, J. T. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2016). Safety culture and safety attitudes of nurses in the National University Hospital. Philippine Journal of Nursing, 86(1), 10 - 15.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Aying, J. N., & Navarro, V. B. (2015), Succession planning: Developing and mentoring the future leaders of professional associations for minority nurses. UPNAAI Nursing Journal, 11, 32-35.
Cox, J., Thomas-Hawkins, C., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Cadmus, E., & Martinez, M. (2015), Factors associated with falls in hospitalized adult patients. Applied Nursing Research, 28, 78-82.
Rand, M., & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2015), A robust social and professional connection between master educator and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student instructor: Virtual mentoring and preceptorship via distance education. Nursing Education Today, 35, 696-699.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2014), The challenges of research & EBP. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research, 4, 77-79.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2014), Collaborative work: Seizing the opportunity to showcase our strengths and skills. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research, 4, 1-2.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2013), Towards self-care. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research, 3, 57-59.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2013), The tipping point for nursing research. Journal of Nursing Practice Applications and Reviews of Research, 3, 1-2.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2012), Distance education offers a wealth of formats and options. American Nurse Today, 7, 1-3.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Pajarillo, E.J.Y., Brown, F.M. Jr. & Doria, J. B. (2024). The academic nurse educator crisis: Harnessing resources of educational institutions and healthcare organizations. Symposium Panelists in “The academic nurse educator crisis: A call to action” at the 35th International Nursing Research Congress, July 28-30, Singapore.
Doria, J. Vardaman, S., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Kabigting, E-N. R., Sciarra, E., Logan, L., Davis, S. P., Feeney, S., Baker, J., Seibold-Simpson, S. & Bajwa, M. (2024). The Academic Nursing Educators Shortage: Stopping the Leak, Replenishing the Well, 2024 Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) Conference, Hilton Salt Lake City Center, April 17-20.
Holt, T., Kabigting, E-N., R., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Miller, K. S., Bajwa, M., Lee, J. L. & Siebold-Simpson, S. M. (2024). Academic nurse educator shortage: Policy implications on health and equity. 2024 Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) Conference, Hilton Salt Lake City Center, April 17-20.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2024). Academic institutional models to help recruit and retain academic nurse educators. Podium Presentation at the 36th Annual Scientific Sessions, Eastern Nursing Research Society, April 4 – 5, Boston Park Plaza, MA.
De La Rosa, D., Shank, H., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Smith, K. & Douglas, K. (2023). A synergistic collaboration to enhance new graduate nursing students' success and program retention through an equity-structured onboarding program. Nurses together: A force for global health. International Council of Nurses Congress – July 1 – 5, 2023, Montreal, Canada.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Douglas, K., de La Rosa, D, Shank, H. & Smith, K. (2023). Addressing new graduate students’ professional, personal, academic and technological inequities through a structured and targeted onboarding program. Promoting liberty: Addressing determinants of health through nursing science. Eastern Nursing Research Society - March 23-24, 2023, Philadelphia, PA.
Douglas, K., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., De La Rosa, D., Shank, H. & Smith K. (2023). SNRS 37th Annual Conference Building Partnerships in Population Health through Research, Education, and Practice. Orlando, FL. March 1-3, 2023).
De La Rosa, D., Shank, Heidi, Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Douglas, K. & Smith, K. (2023). Offering innovative onboarding to diverse incoming graduate nursing students to enhance equitable and inclusive academic preparation. AACN Doctoral Education Conference. Passion, Purpose & Partnerships: Inspiring Excellence in Nursing Education. January 19-21, 2023, Coronado, CA.
Smiraglia, R.P., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Milonas, E., & Zherebchevsky, S. (2022). Taxonomies in home care nursing information behavior: The Impact of information in a historic time of pandemic. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Canadian Association for Information Science Conference. 100 Years of Information Science: Understanding the Past and Building the Future. London, Ontario, Canada. June 7-10, 2022
Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Smiraglia, R. P., Milonas, E. & Zherebchevsky, S. (2021). "Knowledge discovery: Educating present and future students new home health concepts related to COVID-19." 46th Biennial Conference of the Sigma International Honor Society, (Virtual Poster Presentation), November 6-10, 2021.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Smiraglia, R. P., Milonas, E. & Zherebchevsky, S. (2021). "Knowledge discovery: Educating present and future students new home health concepts related to COVID-19." CNPH Online Poster Conference. December 2021 - January 2022.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). "Past and present experiences: Integrative approach to onboarding graduate students for enhanced learning and retention." 46th Biennial Conference of the Sigma International Honor Society, (Virtual Podium Presentation), November 6-10, 2021.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). "Requisite elements to consider when deciding whether to publish or not." 9th ANA-NY Annual Conference, “Nurses: A voice to lead,” The Hilton Long Island, Melville, NY, (Poster Presentation), October 29 -30, 2021.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). "Describing home care services by home visiting nurses in the midst of the pandemic in NY." 9th ANA-NY Annual Conference, “Nurses: A voice to lead,” The Hilton Long Island, Melville, NY, (Poster Presentation), October 29 -30, 2021.
Smiraglia, R.P., Milonas, E., & Zherebchevsky, S. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). Nursing information behavior in the pandemic: Resilience of a knowledge base. North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapter for Canada and the United States. (Virtual Short Paper Presentation). July 9-11, 2021.
Smiraglia, R.P., Milonas, E., & Zherebchevsky, S. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2021). Nursing information behavior in the pandemic: Resilience of a knowledge base. North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization. International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapter for Canada and the United States. (Virtual Short Paper Presentation). July 9-11, 2021.
Smiraglia, R.P., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Milonas, E., & Zherebchevsky, S. (2021). Home care nursing information behavior: Expansion of a knowledge base in a time of pandemic. International Society for Knowledge Organization United Kingdom, Research Laboratory, “Observing knowledge organization trajectories in health care,” Virtual Panel Presentation, June 30, 2021.
Smiraglia, R.P., Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Milonas, E., & Zherebchevsky, S. (2021). Home care nursing information behavior: Expansion of a knowledge base in a time of pandemic. International Society for Knowledge Organization United Kingdom, Research Laboratory, “Observing knowledge organization trajectories in health care,” Virtual Panel Presentation, June 30, 2021.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. & Kaplan D. B. (2019). “Integration of a mobile-device classroom response system in an online nursing environment: Enhancing student’s imagination, classroom engagement, innovative thinking and learning.“ 31st Eastern Nursing Research Society Annual Scientific Sessions. Transforming the Future of Nursing Research: Imagination, Innovation, and Engagement. Eastern Nursing Research Society, Providence, RI, April 3-5, 2019.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. & Kaplan, D. (2019). "Adopting a Mobile-Device Classroom Response System in an Online Nursing Environment: Enhancing Learning, Innovation and Engagement in Master’s Online Education," 2019 Master’s Education Conference. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Tampa, FL. February 21-23, 2019.
Ambrosio-Mawhirter, D. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2018). Poster Presentation. “Synergy: The right concept, right people, right goals produce positive outcomes.” 2018 Faculty Development Conference. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. New Orleans, LA, November 14-15, 2018.
Ambrosio-Mawhirter, D. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2018). “ePortfolios: Collect and reflect as students transition into professional practice,” 2018 Nursing Education Research Conference, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and National League for Nursing, Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C., April 19 – 21, 2018.
Ambrosio-Mawhirter, D. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2017). “Facilitating self-reflection, self-value, and preparation for better professional practice,” 2017 Fall Conference, Innovations, Inclusions & Integration, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and New York League for Nursing, Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, NY, November 10-11, 2017.
Solis, E. & Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2017). Poster Presentation - An integrative review on online, hybrid, and traditional classroom learning environment, 38th Annual Convention, Charting the course for optimal impact, University of the Philippines Alumni Association of America, Hyatt regency of Orange County, Garden Grove, CA.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y., Linn, A. M., Nelson, J., & Willard, S. (2015). Poster Presentation - Enhancing the learning capability of students and preceptors in the Post-Master’s Certificate & Doctor of Nursing Practice AIDS/HIV Sub-specialty using the iPad Mini. In 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC), October 29, 2015. Chicago, IL.
Pajarillo, E., and Oulanov, A. (2014). Poster Presentation - Understanding how information is used by RN-BSN students. In National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Summit. Phoenix, AZ.
Pajarillo, E., Oulanov, A., and Martinez, M. (2014). Poster Presentation - Nursing information behavior themes evident among RN-BSN students. In University of the Philippines Nursing Alumni Association of America 35th Annual Convention, Global Leadership: Breaking Barriers. Wyndham New Yorker Hotel, New York, NY.
Thomas-Hawkins, C., Cox, J., Pajarillo, E., Gennaro, S., Cadmus, E., & Martinez, M. (2014). Poster Presentation - Factors associated with falls in hospitalized patients. In Eastern Nursing Research Society 26th Annual Scientific Conference. Sheraton Downtown Hotel, Philadelphia, PA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2024). “The Essence of Connections for Lifelong Professional Success”. Inaugural Student-Alumni Advocacy Forum, 91¹ú²ú Universioty, Garden City, NY, November 12, 2024.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2019). “Redefining nurses’ roles: A nurse informaticist’s perspective.” 15th Annual Leadership Conference, 91¹ú²ú College of Nursing and Public Health, with the Alpha Omega Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International, “Nursing Leadership: Future Challenges and Opportunities,” Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY, May 1, 2019.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (Jan. 2019). Influence on Nursing Informatics: Fascinating career focus for new nurses. IMPRINT 66(1) (January 2019), 39-45. National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) Career Planning Issue. Brooklyn, NY: NSNA.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2018). “The role of professional nursing organizations in the professional socialization of nurses in the discipline.” Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, New York, NY. October 3, 2018.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (May 2018). A nurse educator’s experience influencing future nurses. New York Daily News. National Nurses’ Week Advertising Supplement, Available at
Pajarillo, E. et al. (2017). “Interprofessional education and practice (IPE).” 91¹ú²ú Campus Connect. University Center, March 8, 2017.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2015, August). Developing one's research agenda. 36th UPNAAI Annual Lecture Series, Lake Forest, CA.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2015, August). Affordable Care Act and the Future of Nursing: Are We Ready For These Changes? (Keynote). 36th UPNAAI Annual Educational Convention, Hyatt Regency of Orange County, CA.
Pajarillo, E. (2015). “Seminar on nursing informatics and its implications to nursing practice and health care,” 2015 Senior Nursing Students, University of the Philippines Manila, College of Nursing, (Webex), April 20 & May 4, 2015.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2014, December). Nursing research for bedside nurses. A visiting scholars’ program. St. Peter's Health Partners Hospital, Albany, NY.
Pajarillo, E. (2014). “Career planning and professional marketing,” Leadership Circle of Specialists, Leadership Scholars Program, Philippine Nurses Association of America, (Webex), October 4, 2014.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2014, August). Research & EBP as we use them in our practice. 35th UPNAAI Annual Lecture Series, Lake Forest, CA.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y., and Oulanov, A. (2014, July). Improving the skills of RN-BSN students in maximizing the use of data and information for evidence-based nursing: Nursing information behavior. 25th International Nursing Research Congress, Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2014, June). Report & Program Evaluation of the Leadership Scholars Program. 35th Philippine Nurses Association of America National Convention, Las Vegas, NV.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2014, January). Nursing informatics: Adjunctive strategies in nursing education for patient safety, quality, global health, & social action. 9th International Nursing Conference, Promoting solidarity for global health and sustainable social action, Manila, Philippines.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2013, November). Quality management, evidence-based practice and research as nursing informatics applications used in patient care. 2nd Annual Nursing Informatics Symposium, Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, CA.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2013, October). Cultural uniqueness: A leader's ally or foe? Philippine Nurses Association-Central Florida Chapter, Nassau, Bahamas.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2013, July). Leadership scholars program: Honing the talents of our members to become future leaders of the association. 34th National Convention of the Philippine Nurses Association of America - Strategic, Synergistic, Social Action, Cleveland, OH.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2013, May). Focusing on patient safety and quality in teaching nursing informatics. 2013 Quality & Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) Forum, Atlanta, GA.
Pajarillo, E. J. Y. (2012, September). Evidence-based practice & research: Its place in healthcare (Keynote). 2nd Annual Nursing Research Symposium, Montefiore Medical Center, The University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.
Other Work
Other Work
BOOK REVIEW - Sylvia, M. & Vigil, I. M. (2022). Population health analytics. Jones and Bartlett. ISBN:9781284182477.
Faculty Consultant, St. Peter's Health Partner Medical Center, NY (2016) - year-long consultancy where I offered monthly educational sessions on evidence-based nursing and provided ongoing guidance and supervision via Webex with regards to their unit-based projects from conceptualization, development, implementation, evaluation and roll-out to other patient care units. Culminating activity was a research presentation day at the end of the year.
Projects Mentored
Projects Mentored
 Irene Ferguson (PhD, 91¹ú²ú) - Dissertation Panel Member Proposal Writing, Spring 2021.
 Michiko Tomura (PhD, 91¹ú²ú) – Dissertation Panel Member Proposal Writing, Fall 2017; Proposal Final Defense, Spring 2019; Graduation, Spring 2019
 Sandra Brown-Ewen (MSN Nursing Education) – Capstone Supervision, “Translating Theory to the Realities of Life: Motivating Nurses to Pursue Higher Education,” Graduation, Fall 2017
 Lauren Croce (MSN Nursing Education) – Capstone Supervision, “Translate and Disseminate Research on Early Ambulation: An Integrative Review,” Graduation, Fall 2017
 Laura Sanzo (MSN Nursing Education) – Capstone Supervision, “Switching the Locus of Clinical Education: A Curricular Innovation Project Proposal,” Graduation, Fall 2017
 Ben V. Thomas (MSN Nursing Education) – Capstone Supervision, “Translating Educational
Innovations to Counter Nurse Fatigue,” Graduation, Fall 2017
 Reeba Thomas (MSN Nursing Education) – Capstone Supervision, “A Mentor-Mentee Orientation Program: Educating, Bonding, and Professional Socialization,” Graduation, Fall 2017
 Evelyn Alcontin (Doctor of Nursing Practice, Stony Brook University) – Capstone Clinical Mentor; Graduation, May 2017
 Elvira Solis (MSN, Education, Walden University) – Practicum Preceptor, Graduation, May 2017
 Paul Froilan Garma (MA Nursing, University of the Philippine, Open University) – Thesis Proposal and Final Panel Member; Successfully defended August 31, 2016
 Cecilia Boyd (DNP, Rutgers University) – Capstone Chair, Graduated Spring 2015
 Maxine Rand (DNP, San Francisco State University) – Teaching Practicum Preceptor, Fall 2014; Graduation, May 2015.
***2018 (April 24) – Mentored undergraduate students with their Evidence-Based Practice Proposals for submission to the Annual 91¹ú²ú Research Conference. The three groups I mentored were accepted as oral presentations:
Plato Group - "Intimate Partner Violence: To Ask, or Not to Ask" (AWARDED FIRST PRIZE) Pamela Carstens, Ayisha Allen, Sarah Schmitt, Edwin Alburquerque, Farah Sookdeo, Thomas Maurice
Newton Group - "Injection Rejection: The Nurses’ Role in Easing Pain Associated with Immunizations" (AWARDED HONORABLE MENTION) Okwuchi Ukegbu, Carmen Matthews, Casey Olsen, Nataly Castillo, Sangeeta John, Suresh Sagar
Einstein Group - "Many Countries Use Kangaroo Care. Why not in the U.S.?" Ourania Katehis, Denise de Jesus, Christine Varghese, Adel Basic, Priyanka Nair, Aleah Jones
***Spring 2016 – Advised undergraduate students in the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) course I taught to submit their EBP or research proposals for presentation to the 13th Annual 91¹ú²ú Research Conference. The following students were proclaimed winners:
WINNERS - Christie Delligatti, Inshan Alli, Veronica Napolitano, and Ashley Perez (Presenter): Reducing the risk of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in ICU patients through the use of ventilator bundles: An evidence based project (Podium Presentation), Junior Nursing Students
HONORABLE MENTION - Alyssa Harper (Presenter), Angela Park, Brianne Clarke, and Jay Lee: Dog Therapy vs. Art Therapy: An Evidence-Based Project Proposal (Podium Presentation), Junior Nursing Students
Amandip Samra, Nicole Sogliuzzo, Chandler Messina and Casey Hasher: Implementation of Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare Organizations to Decrease the Incidence of Medication Errors Among Geriatric Patients: A Research Proposal (Poster Presentation) - Poster presented in this Summer's China-91¹ú²ú Exchange Program June 2016 (Junior Nursing Students)
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
Fellow, National League for Nursing (NLN), Academy of Nursing Education
Fellow, The Royal Society of Medicine
Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine
Fellow, Viret Faculty Leadership Program
Secretary & Trustee, Foundation for the National League for Nursing
Associate Fellow, Institute for Knowledge Structure & Organization
Distinguished J. V. Sotejo Medallion of Honor Recipient Presented at the 36th UPNAAI Annual Convention, Hyatt Regency, Orange County, CA, August 7, 2015.
Presidential Award for Excellence in Leadership, Mentoring, & Editorship, 35th National Convention, Philippine Nurses Association of America, Inc., Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, NV (June 2014)
Most Distinguished Alumnus in Nursing Informatics & Administration, University of the Philippines College of Nursing Alumni Association, Manila, Philippines (June 2014)
PNACF Outstanding Speaker Award, Leadership Conference (October 18-21, 2013)
Informatics Nurse of the Year, PNA-NY Chapter (September 2010)
UPAAA Distinguished Alumnus Award for Nursing Education (September 2009)
Federal Traineeship Scholarship (2008 & 2009)
Sigma Theta Tau International, Tau Kappa Chapter Nursing Honor Society (2008)
Roy L. Simpson Nursing Informatics Scholarship (2008)
Fellow, New York State Nurses Association Leadership Institute (2003)
Fellow, New York State Nurses Association Leadership Development (1996)
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
2024 - PRESENT Chair, NY State Board for Nursing and Chair, Professional Conduct Committee
2023 - 2024 Founder and Inagural President, National Consortium of Academic Nurse Educators, Inc, (NC-ANE)
2022 - 2023 Vice-Chair, NY State Board for Nursing and Chair, Professional Conduct Committee
2022 - PRESENT Secretary, NLN Foundation for Nursing Education
2020 - PRESENT Editor-in-Chief (Inaugural), Journal of the American Nurses Association of New York (JANANY).
2016 - 2022 Board Member, New York State Board of Nursing & Chair, Professional Conduct Committee
2021 (March 25-26): Abstract Reviewer, Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions (Virtual), "Generating nursing science to meet the needs of a diverse society." (Virtual).
2020 (September) - 2021 (May) Mentor, American Nurses Association Mentor-Mentee Program. Assigned a mentee 1:1 to assist with professional development, mentoring, and leadership.
2020 (March 26-27): Abstract Reviewer, Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) 32nd Annual Scientific Sessions, "The Revolutionary Power of Nursing Science: Health Equity, Policy & Practice." Boston, MA.
2020 - Present: Adviser, Informatics Workgroup, New York Academy of Medicine
2019 (April 4-5): Abstract Reviewer, Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) 31st Annual Scientific Sessions, " Transforming the Future of Nursing Research: Imagination, Innovation, and Engagement.” Providence, RI.
2018 (April 11-13): Abstract Reviewer, Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) 30th Annual Scientific Sessions, "Celebrating 30 Years of Nursing Science: Building a Legacy of Innovation, Dissemination and Translation, Newark Liberty Marriott Hotel, Newark, New Jersey.
2017 (April 5-7): Abstract Reviewer, Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), 29th Annual Scientific Sessions, “Leading the way: Building strength and unity in the diversity of nursing science. Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Philadelphia, PA.
2016 - 2019: Chair, Informatics Workgroup, New York Academy of Medicine
2016 (April 13-15): Abstract Reviewer, Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), 28th Annual Scientific Sessions, “Nursing science: Building research and health." Omni William Tell Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA.
January 2016 - December 31, 2016: Full Member, Content Expert Panel, Nurse Informatics Certification Program, American Nurse Credentialing Center
2015 (November) - External Reviewer Master’s degrees proposal for approval by the NY State Education Department for the City University of New York’s (CUNY) first Online Master’s in Nursing Programs hosted at the CUNY School of Professional Studies, the Online School in CUNY. Program review include 6 programs (Masters in Nursing Informatics and Nursing Administration, BSN-MSN (Nursing Informatics & Administration), and Post Master’s Certificates (Nursing Informatics & Administration).
January 2015 - August 2016: Full Member, Content Expert Panel, Nurse Executive, Advanced Certification Program, American Nurse Credentialing Center
Representative (ANA-NY), Center for Nursing Research Steering Committee, Foundation of NY State Nurses
Member, Role Delineation Study, American Nurses Credentialing Center, Nursing Informatics Certification Program. Study aims to provide basis for determining the content and structure of a valid certification examination.
Program Proponent & Director - Consortium of Peer Researchers & Authors (CoPRA)
2016-2017 President, University of the Philippines Nursing Alumni Association of America, Inc.
2015-2016 President, University of the Philippines Alumni Association, Inc. (NJ Chapter)
2014-2015 1st Vice-President & Chair, Education & Research Committee, UPNAAI
2010 - Present: Board Member, Finance Committee Member, & Past Vice-President, Nurses House Inc.
2013-2016: Board Member (Auxiliary), New York State Board for Nursing
University Service
University Service
Service to 91¹ú²ú (AU)
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;2022 - 2025 Inaugural Faculty-In-Residence, Student Affairs
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;2022 Mentor, Faculty Mentoring Academy, 91¹ú²ú
 2022 1st Vice President, Collective Bargaining, 91¹ú²ú U Chapter, AAUP
 Spring 2022 Interim Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Affairs
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;2021- 2023 Senator, 91¹ú²ú U Faculty Senate
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;2021 - Present Member, 91¹ú²ú U & NYC Department of Health AIDS Institute Collaboration
&²Ô²ú²õ±è;2015 - Present Member, Faculty of Color Network
 2021 Member, Awards Committee, Faculty Excellence in Social Justice, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
 2021 (Jan. 20-21) Mentor, Portfolio Intensive Workshop, Garden City, NY
 2021 - Present Proponent & Subject Expert, Willumstad School of Business Scholars, Project Plan Development, Nurse Led Clinic
 2019 - 2020 Core Group, Development, Implementation & Training, CURRICULOG (Electronic Curriculum Application and Approval Program)
 2019 (March) to May 2021, Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Affairs
 2019 April to August – Interim Secretary, American Association of University Professors (91¹ú²ú U Chapter)
 2018 Proponent, Pilot-Testing of Classroom Response System (CRS) for possible university-wide adoption
 2017 – 2018 Vice-Chair, 91¹ú²ú U Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Affairs (FSCAA); 2016 – 2017 Member, 91¹ú²ú U Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Affairs (FSCAA)
 2015 – PRESENT Member, 91¹ú²ú U Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Innovations Technology (SCAIT)
Service to AU College of Nursing & Public Health (CNPH)
 2022 - Chair, Unit Peer Review Committee
 2021 - Member, Unit Peer Review Committee
 2020 - Present Member, Faculty Peer Mentoring Committee
 2020 May - October, Member, CNPH Faculty Diversity Committee
 2019 (March) to Present, Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Affairs
 2019 – Proponent, Graduate Students Onboarding – Professional Development Program, (GSO-PDP) – a structured, month-long onboarding process to assist returning students adjust successfully to graduate studies
 2018 – Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Review and Revision of the CNPH Operating Procedures
 2017 – Proponent, 91¹ú²ú U Review and Revision of Project Management and Information Technology Course in the RN-BSN Program to Obtain a Quantitative Learning Goal Designation
 2017 – Facilitated Approval of 91¹ú²ú U College of Nursing and Public Health (CNPH) Master of Public Health Minor Program Revisions where program specializations have been added prior to Accreditation Application
 2016 – 2017 One of three Members, 91¹ú²ú U CNPH Master of Science in Nursing Education Program Review, Revision and Approval
 2016 – Facilitated Approval of Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Practitioner/ Clinical Nurse Specialist Track in Psychiatric and Mental Health
 2015 – PRESENT Pilot, Development, Implementation and Evaluation of ePortfolio for use in the undergraduate and graduate programs
 2015 – 2017 Member, 91¹ú²ú CNPH Dept. of Graduate Studies in Nursing Program Evaluation Comm. 2016 – 2018 Member, 91¹ú²ú U CNPH Committee on Academic Affairs
 2016 – 2019 Member, Global and International Nursing Initiatives Committee (GINIC)
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