Carone, N., Quintigliano, M, Benzi, I.M.A., Brumariu, L.E., Speranza, A.M., & Lingiardi, V. (2025, in press). Parental sensitivity and child-parent attachment security in lesbian and gay parent families through assisted reproduction. Journal of Family Psychology. DOI:
Diaconu-Gherasim, L.R., Maftei, A., Zancu, A.S. Mairean, C, Brumariu, L.E., Tepordei A.M., Crumpei-Tanase, I., & Nicuta, G. (2025). Children’s perceived parental control and academic achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Psychology of Education, 28, 50
Rodrigues, G. A*., Waslin, S. M.*, Nair, T. K*., Kerns, K. A., & Brumariu, L. E. (2024). Parental emotion socialization and parent–child attachment security: A meta-analytic review. Emotion. Advance online publication.
Nair, T.*, Kuma, N. A.*, Brumariu, L. E., & Bureau J-F. (2024). The Childhood Experiences of Disorganization and Role Reversal Scale: Relations with Trauma, Internalizing Problems, and Well-Being in Young Adulthood.. Journal of Adult Development.
Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R., Elliot, A. J., Zancu, A. S., Brumariu, L. E., Măirean, C., Opariuc‑Dan, C., & Crumpei-Tanasă, I. (2024). A meta-analysis of the relations between achievement goals and internalizing problems. Educational Psychology Review, 36(4), Article 109.
Nair, T. K.*, Waslin, S.*, Rodrigues, G.*, Datta, S*., Moore, M.T., & Brumariu, L. E. (2024). A Meta-analytic review of anxiety and empathy across lifespan. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 101 .epub2023
Mirabella, M., Quintigliano, M., Carone, N., Manzi, D., Antoniucci, C., Brumariu, L.E., Kerns, K. A, Speranza, A., Lingiardi, V. (2024). Attachment Figures Among Donor-Conceived Children of Lesbian Mothers in Middle Childhood. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Tepordei, A. M., Zancu, A., Diaconu-Gherasim, L.R., & Brumariu, L.E. (2024). Still Worried? Parental Control and Academic Competence as Antecedents of Middle School Students’ Post-Transition Worries. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 1-12
Waslin, S. M*., Kochendorfer, L. B., Blier, B., Brumariu, L. E., & Kerns, K. A. (2023). Parental emotion socialization: Relations with adjustment, security, and maternal depression in early adolescence. Emotion, 23(2), 450-459.
Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R., Brumariu, L.E., & Etengoff, C. Romanian. (2023). Early Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parental Migration and the Associated Relational Impact: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. epub ahead of print
Măirean, C., Zancu, A., Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R., & Brumariu, L. E. (2023). Mental Health among Young Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Investigation, The Journal of Psychology, 157, 192-211.
Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R., Brumariu, L. E., Moore, M. & Kerns, K. A.(2023). School and Career Future Time Perspective and Academic Related Outcomes in Early Adolescence: Are Mastery Goals Mediators? Educational Psychology, 43, 119-136.
House, H., Kochendorfer, L. B., Brumariu, L. E., & Kerns, K. A. (2023). Validating the NERI Measure of Emotion Regulation for Children in Preadolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence, 43(2), 244–259.
Obeldobel, C., Brumariu, L. E., Kerns, K. A. (2023).Attachment and Dynamic Emotion Regulation: A Systematic Review. Emotion Review, 15(1), 28–44.
Kerns, K. A., Obeldobel, C., Kochendorfer, L.B, Brumariu, L. E. (2023).Parent-Child Attachment and Emotion Regulation Dynamics in Late Middle Childhood. Merill Palmer Quarterly, 69(1), 84-118. .
Brumariu, L. E., Waslin, S. M.*, Gastelle, M.,** Kochendorfer, L. B.**, & Kerns, K. A. (2022). Anxiety, Academic Achievement, And Academic Self-Concept: Meta-analytic Syntheses of Their Relations Across Developmental Periods. Development & Psychopathology, 2:1-17.
Diaconu- Gherasim, R. L, Brumariu, L. E., & Hurley, J. G*. (2022). Adolescents’ perceptions of contextual factors: Links with intrinsic motivation and academic achievement. Current Psychology, 41, 5578–5593.
Rodrigues, G. A.*, Obeldobel, C. A.**, Kochendorfer, L. B.**, Brumariu, L. E., Fareri, D. S., & Kerns, K. A. (2022). Parent-Child Attachment Security and Depressive Symptoms in Pre and Early Adolescence: The Meditating Roles of Gratitude and Forgiveness. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, epub ahead of print
Brumariu, L.E., Giuseppone, K. R.*, Kerns, K. A, & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2021). Disorganized /Controlling Attachments, Emotion Regulation, and Emotion Communication in Later Middle Childhood   Applied Developmental Psychology.
Lyons-Ruth, K. & Brumariu, L. E. (2021). Emerging child competencies and personality pathology: toward a Developmental Cascade model of BPD. Current Opinion in Psychology, 3, :32–38.
Bucci Liddy, C*., Brumariu, L., E., Diaconu-Gherasim, L.R., & Hunter, Dietra, M*. (2021). Maternal parenting and teaching strategies: relations with children’s academic competence. Educational Studies
Brumariu, L. E, Owen, M., Dyer, N., & Lyons-Ruth, K., (2020). Journal of Personality Disorders, 34,, 104-129. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2020_34_480.
Brumariu, L. E. & Diaconu-Gherasim, R. L. , Kerns, A. K., & Lewis, N. * (2019). Attachment Figures and Attachment Security in a Middle Childhood Romanian Sample: Does Maternal Migration Matter? Attachment and Human Development. 10.1080/14616734.2018.1557716
Diaconu- Gherasim, R. L., Măirean, C. & Brumariu, L. E. (2019). Quality of teachers' and peers' behaviors and achievement goals: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Learning and Individual Differences,73, 147-156.
Bucci, C*, Brumariu, L.,E. & Moore, M. (2018). Cognitive Performance in Adolescence: Links With Early Maternal Stimulation and Children’s Anxious Behaviors. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 152, 425-444.
Brumariu, L. E., Madigan, S., Giussepone, K. R*., Movahed Abtahi, M., & Kerns, K. A. (2018). The Security Scale as a Measure of Attachment: Meta-analytic Evidence of Validity. Attachment & Human Development. doi:10.1080/14616734.2018.1433217. online first
Brumariu, L.E., Giuseppone, K. R.*, Kerns, K. A. Van de Walle, M., Bureau, J-F., Bosmans, G.& Lyons-Ruth, K. (2018). Middle Childhood Attachment Strategies Coding System: Validation of a behavioral measure. Attachment & Human Development. doi: 10.1080/14616734.2018.1433696. online first
Gherasim-Diaconu, L. R., Bucci, C. M.*, Giussepone, K. R.* , & Brumariu, L. E.(2017). Parenting and Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms: The Mediating Role of Future Time Perspective. Journal of Psychology
Giussepone, K. R.*, & Brumariu, L. E.(2017). Mother-Child Disagreements on Child Anxiety: Associated Factors. Journal of Children’s Services.
Gherasim, R.G., Brumariu, L. E., & Alim, C.L. (2017) Parenting Style and Children's life satisfaction and depressive symptoms: Preliminary Findings from Romania, France, and Russia. Journal of Happiness Studies
Byun, S., Brumariu, L. E., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2016), Disorganized Attachment in Young Adulthood as Partial Mediator of Relations Between Severity of Childhood Abuse and Dissociation. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation., accepted authors's copy online.
Madigan, S., Brumariu, L. E., Villani, V., Atkinson, L., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2016), Reprezentational and questionnaire measures of attachment beyond infancy: A meta-analysis of relations to child internalzing and externalzing problems. Psychological Bulletin.
Brumariu, L. E., Bureau, J. F., Nemoda, Z., Sasvari-Szekely, M., & Lyons-Ruth, K (2015), Attachment and temperament revisited: infant distress, attachment disorganization and the serotonin transporter polymorphism. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.
Macfie, J., Brumariu, L. E., & Lyons-Ruth, K (2015), Parent-Child Role-Confusion: A Critical Review of an Emerging Concept. Developmental Review, 36, 34-57.
Brumariu, L. E. (2015), Attachment and Emotion regulation.In G. Bosmans & K. A Kerns (Eds.) Attachment in Middle Childhood: Theoretical Advances and new Directions in an Emerging Field. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 138, 31-45.
Lyons-Ruth, K., Brumariu, L. E., Bureau, J-F., Henninhausen, K., & Holmes, B. (2014), Role Confusion and Disorientation in Young Adult-Parent Interaction Among Individuals with Borderline Symptomatology. Journal of Personality Disorders.
Brumariu, L. E. & Kerns, K. A. (2014), Mother-Child Emotion Communication and Childhood Anxiety Symptoms. Cognition and Emotion, 7, 44-62.
Kerns, K. A. &Brumariu, L. E (2014), Is Insecure Parent-Child Attachment a Risk Factor for the Development of Anxiety in Childhood or Adolescence? Child Development Perspectives, 1, 12-17.
Obsuth, I., Henninghausen, K., Brumariu, L. E., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2014), Disorganized Behavior in Adolescent-Parent Interaction: Relations to Attachment State of Mind, Partner Abuse, and Psychopathology. Child Development, 85, 370-387.
Pechtel, P., Murray, L. M.M., Brumariu, L. E, & Lyons-Ruth (2013), Reactivity, regulation, and reward responses to infant cues among mothers with and without psychopathology: an fMRI review. Translational Developmental Psychiatry, 1, 1-17.
Brumariu, L. E., & Kerns, K.A (2013), Pathways to anxiety: Contributions of attachment, temperament, peer competence, and emotion regulation. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. DOI: 10.1007/s10578-012-0345-7, 4, 504-515.
Brumariu, L. E., Kerns, K.A, & Seibert, A. (2012), Mother-child attachment, emotion regulation, and anxiety symptoms in middle childhood. Personal Relationships, 19, 569–585.
Brumariu, L. E., Obsuth, I., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2012), Quality of attachment relationships and peer relationship dysfunction among late adolescents with and without anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. DOI: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2012.09.002.
Kerns, K. A, Siener, S., & Brumariu, L. E (2011), Mother-child relationships, family context, and child characteristics as predictors of anxiety symptoms in middle childhood. Development and Psychopathology, 23, 593-604.
Kerns, K. A., Brumariu, L. E., & Seibert, A. C (2011), Multi-method assessment of mother-child attachment: Links to parenting and child depressive symptoms in middle childhood. Attachment and Human Development, 13, 315-333.
Brumariu, L. E. & Kerns, K. A (2010), Mother-child attachment patterns and different types of anxiety symptoms in middle childhood: Is There Specificity of Relations? Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 41, 663-674.
Brumariu, L. E., & Kerns, K. A (2010), Parent-child attachment and internalizing symptoms in childhood and adolescence: A review of empirical findings and future directions. Development and Psychopathology, 22, 177-203.
Kerns, K. A., Brumariu, L. E., & Abraham, M. M (2008), Homesickness at summer camp: Associations with mother-child attachment, social self-concept, and peer relationships in middle childhood. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 54, 473-498.
Brumariu, L. E., & Kerns, K. A (2008), Attachment and social anxiety symptoms in middle childhood. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29, 393-402.
Star * - student collaborator
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Selected conference presentations . * denotes student collaborators
Rodrigues, G. A*., Waslin, S. M*., Nair, T. K*., Kerns, K. A., & Brumariu, L. E. ( 2024, July 15-17) Parental emotion socialization and parent-child attachment security: A meta-analytic review)[Paper presented as part of a Symposium] The International Attachment Conference 2024 Convention, Rouen, France.
Nair, T. K., Deneault, A-A., Bafna, A., Bureau, J-F., Meier, M., & Brumariu L. E. ( 2024, July 15-17) Disorganization and controlling behaviors in young adulthood: Relations with adversity, parentification, and psychological adjustment)paper presented as part of a symposium, The International Attachment Conference 2024 Convention, Rouen, France.
Gehring, A. S*., Nair, T. K*., Waslin, S. M.,* & Brumariu L. E. ( 2024, May 23-26) Self-worth as a Partial Mediator between Maternal Disorganized Caregiving and Children’s Self-worth during Middle Childhood [Poster presentation]. The Association for Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, United States.
Hodis, D. M*., Nair, T. K*., Kuma, N. A.*, & Brumariu, L. E. ( 2024, May 23-26). Disorganized attachment stances, friendship, and loneliness in a young adult sample [Poster presentation]. The Association for Psychological Science 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, United States.
Nair, T. K.*, Lewis, N. C.*, Kiernan, C. M.*, & Brumariu, L. E. (2023, May 25-28). Disorganized and Controlling Attachment Patterns and Empathy in PreadolescencePoster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2023 Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Rodrigues, G. A.*, Wang, J. L.**, Waslin, S. M.*, Fareri, D. S., & Brumariu, L. E. (2023, May 25-28). Links Between Parent-Child Attachment Security, Early Adolescents’ Theory of Mind Abilities, and Early Adolescents’ Forgiveness Towards Mothers. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2023 Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Waslin, S. M.*, Obeldobel, C. A., Kochendorfer, L. B., Kerns, K. A., & Brumariu, L. E. (2023, May 25-28). Parental Emotion Socialization of Children’s Positive Emotions, Parent-Child Attachment, Parental Depression, and Child Depression in Middle Childhood.Poster presented at the 2023 Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention., Washington D.C.
Bafna, A.*, Waslin, S.*, Aguilera, N.*, Hurley, J. G.*, & Brumariu, L. E. (2023, November 8-11). Associations Between Childhood Traumatic Events, Attachment Styles, and Difficulties with Emotion Regulation in Emerging Adults. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relation Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, USA.
Zancu, A., Nair, T.*, Brumariu, L. E., & Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R. (2023, August 28-September 1). Parental dependency and achievement-oriented control, self-concept and depressive symptoms. A longitudinal investigation in middle childhood. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Turcu, Finland.
Nair, T.*, Brumariu, L.E. Kuma, N.A.*, & Bureau, J-F. (2022, July 14-16). Disorganized Attachment Stances and Positive and Negative Aspects of Mental Health. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the International Attachment Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Lifespan perspective on attachment: from infancy to parenthood.
Mairean, C., Tuca, I., Zancu, A., Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R., & Brumariu, L. E. (2023, August 28-September 1). The longitudinal relations between anxiety symptoms and academic achievement. The explanatory role of scholastic competence. Paper presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Turcu, Finland.
Diaconu-Gherasim, L.R., Maftei, A., Zancu, A., Mairean, C. Brumariu, L. E., Crumpei-Tanase, I. Tepordei , A. M.,& Nicuta, G. (2022, August 24-27). Parental psychological control and children’s academic achievement during the pandemic:The moderating role of perceived COVID-19 threat. Paper presented at the European Association of Research on Adolescence (EARA) conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Waslin, S. M.*, Aguilera, N. A.*, Nair, T. K.*, & Brumariu, L. E. (2022, May 26-29). Preadolescents’ Coping: Associations with Preadolescents’ Family Related Stress and Maternal Stress. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2022 annual convention, Chicago, IL.
Wang, J. L.**, Rodrigues, G. A.*, Fareri, D., Kerns, K. A., Brumariu, L. E. (2022, May 26-29). Forgiveness and Empathy in Early Adolescence. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2022 annual convention, Chicago, IL.
Rodrigues, G.*, Kiernan, C.*, Fareri, D. S., & Brumariu, L. E. (2022, May 26-29). Forgiveness and Reflective Functioning in the Mother-Child Relationship in Early Adolescence Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2022 annual convention, Chicago, IL.
Nair, T. K.*, Wang, J. L.**, Kuma, N. A.*, Rhiman, Y.**, & Brumariu, L. E. (2022, May 26-29). Meaning in Life in Emerging Adulthood: Links to Trauma History, Disorganized Attachment Stances, and Social Support. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science 2022 annual convention, Chicago, IL.
Aguilera, A. N.*, Waslin, S.*, Hurley, J.*, & Brumariu L. E. (2022, May 26-29). Romantic attachment, emotion regulation, and subjective happiness in emerging adults. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
Brumariu, L. E., Waslin, S. M.*, Gastelle, M., Kochendorfer, L. B., & Kerns, K. A. (2022, June 19-22). Anxiety, Academic Achievement, And Academic Self-Concept: Meta-analytic Syntheses. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 2022 Biennial Meeting, Rhodes, Greece.
Brumariu, L. E., & Kerns, K. A. (2022, July 14-16). Disorganized and controlling behaviors in early adolescence: Links with maternal behaviors and role-confusion. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the International Attachment Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Gastelle, M., Kerns, K.A., Brumariu, L.E., Waters, T. & Facompré (2022, July 14-16). A Behavioral Measure of Attachment for Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence: Associations with Other Measures of Attachment and Parenting. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the International Attachment Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Lifespan perspective on attachment: from infancy to parenthood.
Nair, T.K.**, Lewis, N.*, Kuma, N.A.*, Kiernan, C.M.,* & Brumariu, L.E. (2021) Preadolescent's Recall of Their Mothers' Emotions: Associations Between Positive And Negative Emotions and Links to Depression. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference 2021 (APS Virtual Poster Showcase)
Katsanis, N. A**., Waslin, S. M.*, & Brumariu, L. E. (May, 2021). The Relations of Parental Romantic Attachment and Emotional Socialization of Their Children in Middle Childhood. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Sciences (APS), Washington, DC
Graham, K*., Gehring, A.**, Ouzonian, V., Brumariu, L. E., & Barber, J. P. (2021, May). The relation of maternal and child defense mechanisms with parent-child attachment security. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Convention, virtual.
Waslin, S. M*., Kochendorfer, L. B., Brumariu, L. E.., Kerns, K. A. (2021, April). Parental emotion socialization and preadolescent adjustment, parent-child attachment security, and maternal depression. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Virtual
Rodrigues, G. A.*, Obeldobel, C. A., Kochendorfer, L. B., Kerns, K. A., Fareri, D. S., & Brumariu, L. E. (2021, April). Parent-child attachment security and internalizing symptoms in preadolescence: The role of gratitude and forgiveness Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Virtual.
Brumariu, L..E. , Birneanu, A., G., 2Muntean, A., Diaconu-Gherasim, L.R. , & Kerns, K. A. (2020, June). Children’s multiple attachment figures in a Romanian sample: Links with parental migration history, attachment security and child’s adjustment. Paper accepted as part of a symposium at the. 26th Biennial meetinh of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Rhodes, Greece. Cancelled .
Diaconu- Gherasim, R. L, Brumariu, L.E., & Kerns, K.A. (2020, September). School and Career Future Time Perspective and School Adjustment in Early Adolescence: The role of Mastery Goals. Paper accepted at the European Association for Research on Adolescence.
Im, J.,** Waslin, S.*, Nair, T*., & Brumariu, L. E. (2020, May). Preadolescent empathy, mother-child attachment security, collaborative decision-making and preadolescent conduct problems, Poster presented at the 32nd APS Annual Convention (Virtual conference).
Lyseight, A.**, Nair, T.,**, Hurley, J.,* Brumariu, L.E. (2020, May) Maternal Role-Confusion, Maternal Emotion Regulation, and Preadolescent Behavioral Problems. Poster presented at the 32nd APS Annual Convention (Virtual conference).
Nair, T.**, Graham, K*., & Brumariu, L.E. (2020, May). Empathy in Middle Childhood: Links with Maternal Depression and Role-Confusion, and Children’s Attachment Security and Emotional Regulation. Poster presented at the 32nd APS Annual Convention (Virtual conference).
Kiernan, C.M*., Brumariu, L.E., (2019, November). Optimism in Middle Childhood: Links with Security in P-C Relationships and Parenting Strategies. Poster presented at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, Georgia
Brumariu, L. E., Kerns, K. A.,Giuseppone, K.*, & Lyons-Ruth, K. & (July, 2019). Disorganization and Role-Reversal in Later Middle Childhood: Differential Relations to Emotion Communication, Regulation, and Adjustment. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the International Attachment Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Lewis, N.*, Brumariu, L. E. Hurley, J.*, & Naadjeley, K.* (2019, March). Intergenerational transmission of role-confusion: Links with maternal internalizing problems and child adjustment Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Kuma, N.,* Hurley, J.* Graham, K.*, Brumariu, L. (2019, February). Maternal childhood role confusion: Links with parenting, preadolescence’s emotion regulation, and anxiety. Paper presented at the 90th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Conference, New York, NY.
Im, J**., Hurley, J.*, Bucci, C.*, & Brumariu, L. E. (2019). Maternal role-confusion, parenting, and behavioral problems in preadolescence. Poster presented at the 31st APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Hurley, J.G.*, Lewis, N.C.*, Troyanos, J.**, & Brumariu, L.E. (2018, March). Traumatic events, interpersonal relationships, and dissociative symptoms in young adulthood. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the 35th Annual International Conference, International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), Chicago, IL.
Lewis, N*., Hurley, J. G.*., Graham, K*. & Brumariu, L. E. (February, 2018). Maternal Emotional Role-Confusion, Depressive Symptoms, and Emotion Socialization Strategies: Links with Preadolescent Empathy. Poster to be presented at the Miami International Child and Adolescent Mental Health (MICAMH) Conference, Miami, Florida
Brumariu, L. E., Bucci, C. *, Giuseppone, K. A. *, Gherasim-Diaconu, R. L. (July, 2017). Parenting and Adolescents' Depressive Symptoms in a Romanian Sample: The Mediating Role of Future Time Perspective. Paper presented at 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Gherasim-Diaconu, R. L., Hurley, J. * & Brumariu, L. E. (July, 2017). Parenting, Learning Environment, Motivational Beliefs, and Learning Outcomes in Romanian Adolescents. Paper presented at 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Brumariu, L. E., Kerns, K. A., & Gherasim, R. L. ( July, 2017). Attachment Figures and Attachment Security in a Middle Childhood Romanian Sample: Does Maternal Migration Matter? Paper presented at the International Attachment Conference, London, UK.
Hurley, J.G. & Brumariu, L.E. (2017, June). Quality of romantic and peer relationships, emotion regulation, and depressive symptoms. Poster presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Syracuse, NY.
Graham, K. M.**, Owen, M., Lyons-Ruth, K., & Brumariu, L. E. (May, 2017). The Impact of BPD-like Features on Sleep and Eating Behaviors in Adolescents. Poster to be presented at the 29th APS Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts. Also presented at 91¹ú²ú Research Conference
Shay, S..,** & Brumariu, L. E. (April, 2017). Parenting, Emotion socialization strategies, and Children’s Conduct Problems.. Poster presented at the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC.
Hurley, J.*, Lyons-Ruth, K., & Brumariu, L. E. (February, 2017). Disorganization in adolescence: Contribution of mother-adolescent role-confusion to adolescent depressive symptoms. Poster presented at the Miami International Child and Adolescent Mental Health (MICAMH) Conference, Miami, Florida. Also presented at 91¹ú²ú Research Conference
Morssal, A.A. *, Bashammakh, S., Alshaibani, M., Khan, M.& Brumariu, L. E. (September, 2016). Parent-child attachment and emotion regulation in Saudi Arabian children. Poster presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, Kansas.
Graham, K. M.**, Bucci, C.*, Owen, M., Lyons-Ruth, K., & Brumariu, L. E. (July, 2016). BPD-like features and cognitive abilities in adolescence: A mediation model. Poster presented at American Psychological Association Convention. Denver, CO. Also presented to the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC.
Bucci, C*., Brumariu, L., & Moore, M. Developmental Precursors of Cognitive Abilities. (July 2016). Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Conference. Denver, CO.
Aguilera, N.,** & Brumariu, L. E. (April 2016). Parental Well-being in Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research, Asheville, NC.Also presented at 91¹ú²ú Research Conference.
Brumariu, L.E., Van de Walle, M., Giuseppone*, K. R., Bosmans, G., Lyons-Ruth, K., & Kerns, K (2015). Middle Chidlhood Attachment Strategies Coding System: Initial validation of a behavioral measure. In Paper presented at the7th International Attachment Conference,. New York, NY.
Bucci, C*. & Brumariu, L. E. (2015). How Does Early Attachment Influence Later Cognitive Ability? In Association for Psychological Science Conference. New York.
Giuseppone, K. R.**, Gherasim, L. R., & Brumariu, L. E (2015). Does Future Time Perspective Explain the Relation between Attachment and Depression in Middle Childhood? Evidence from Romania. In the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development. Philadelphia, PA.
Apavaloaie, L. & Brumariu, L.E (2015). Representations of Parenting, Teacher-Student Relationships, and Social Adjustment in Romanian Preschoolers. In the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development. Philadelphia, PA.
Brumariu, L.E., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2015). Disorganized Attachment in Adolescence: Relations to Severity of Abuse and Mother’s Helplessness and Need for Emotional Support. In the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development. Philadelphia, PA.
Brumariu, L.E., Moore, M., & Lyons-Ruth, K (2015). Maternal Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms Across Development: Impact on Adolescent Anxiety and Depression. In biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development.. Philadelphia, PA.
Velazquez, K.*, Giuseppone, K. R.**, Lyons-Ruth, K., & Brumariu, L. E. (2014). Role Confusion in the Mother-Child Relationship Among Adolescents with and without Anxiety Disorders. In the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Lawrence, Ks.
Gherasim, L. R.,. Brumariu, L. E., & Lamiser,A (2014). Parenting style and children’s psychological well-being: Evidence from Romania, France, and Russia. In Paper presented at the 35th STAR (Stress and Anxiety Research Society) Conference.. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Johnson, H.A.*, Giuseppone, K. R.*, Lyons-Ruth, K., & Brumariu, L. E (2014). Role Confusion in Mother-Adolescent Dyads and BPD Features Among Older Adolescents. In the American Psychological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC.
Giuseppone, K. R.*, Johnson, H. A.*, Lyons-Ruth, K., & Brumariu, L. E (2014). Mother-child disagreements in reports of anxiety: Do individual and family factors matter? In the American Psychological Association annual meeting. Washington, DC.
Brumariu, L. E, Byun, S, & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2014). Mechanisms Linking Severity of Abuse to Dissociation: Does Attachment Disorganization Matter? In Society for Research on Adolescence. Austin, TX.
Brumariu, L. E. & Kerns, K. A. (2014). Mother-Child Emotion Communication and Anxiety Symptoms in Preadolescence. In Society for Research on Adolescence. Austin, TX.
Lyons-Ruth, K., Owen, M., Brumariu, L. E., Cox, M., & Hasanizadeh, N. (2013). Developmental Precursors of Adolescent Borderline Features at Age 15 in a. In Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA.
Brumariu, L. E., Micco, J.A., Henin, A., & Hirshfeld-Becker, D. R (2012). Parenting behaviors of parents of young children with anxiety disorders: Relations to parental psychopathology and child temperament. In the 32nd Annual Conference of Anxiety Disorders Association of America. Arlington, VA.
Brumariu, L. E., Obsuth, I., Brooks, N. & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2011). Social Functioning in Young Adults With and Without Anxiety Disorders. In the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,. Toronto, Canada.
Brumariu, L. E., Mathews, B., & Kerns, K. A. (2011). Peer Relationships and Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescence. In the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, Canada.
Obsuth, I., Hennighausen, K., Brumariu, L. E. & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2011). Attachment disorganization in parent-young adult interactions: Assessment and validation. In the 5th International Attachment Conference. Oslo, Norway.
Brumariu, L. E., Obsuth, I., Finger, B., & Lyons-Ruth, K. (2011). Mother-child relationships and anxiety disorders in a high risk sample of young adults. In at the 31st Annual Conference of Anxiety Disorders Association of America,. New Orleans, LA.
Brumariu, L. E. & Kerns, K. A. (2010). Mother-Child Attachment in Early Childhood and Anxiety Symptoms in Preadolescence: The Role of Peer Competence and Emotion Regulation. In at biennial meeting of the International Association for Relationship Research,. Herzliya, Israel.
Brumariu, L. E. & Kerns, K. A (2010). Behavioral Indicators of Emotion Regulation and Anxiety in Early Adolescence. In the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence,. Philadelphia, PA.