Buccheri, E., M. Foellmer, B. Christensen, and A. S. Freeman (2019) Variation in righting times of Holothuria atra, Stichopus chloronotus and Holothuria edulis in response to ocean warming on the Heron Reef in the southern GBR. Journal of Marine Biology.
Adams, H. N. and A. S. Freeman (2017) . Northeastern Naturalist 24 (3), 289-299.
A. S. Freeman, A. Frischeisen and A. M. H. Blakeslee (2016), . Biological Invasions, 18 (6), 1653–1665.
Dernbach, E. and A. S. Freeman (2015), . Marine Ecology Progress Series, 540, 135-144.
Freeman, A. S., Dernbach E., Marcos C., Koob, E. (2014), . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 452, 1–8.
Freeman, A. S., Blakeslee, A. M. H. and Fowler, A. E. (2013), . Aquatic Invasions, 8 (3), 347-353.
Freeman, A. S., Wright, J. T., Hewitt, C. L., Campbell, M. L. and Szeto, K. (2013), . Biological Invasions, 15, 1795-1805.
Short et al. (2011), . Biological Conservation, 144, 1961-1971.
Freeman, A. S., Meszaros, J & Byers, J. E. (2009), . Oikos, 118, 758-766.
Freeman, A. S. and Hamer, C. (2009), . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 372, 58-63.
Freeman, A. S., Short, F., Isnian, I., Razak, F., & Coles, R. (2008), . Biological Conservation, 141, 2993-3005.
Freeman, A. S. & Byers, J. E (2007), . Science, 316, 53c.
Freeman, A. S. (2007), . Marine Ecology Progress Series, 334, 145-153.
Freeman, A. S. & Byers, J. E. (2006), . Science, 313, 831-833.
Freeman, A. S. (2006), . Behavioral Ecology, 17, 182-187.
Dethier, M. N., Williams, S. L. & Freeman, A. (2005), . Ecological Monographs, 75 (3), 403-418.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Freeman, A. S. H. Louima, A. Henaghan, V. Martinez, E. Taub and RL. McManus (2019) The Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, invasion may be facilitated by high pesticide tolerance, 91¹ú²ú, Garden City, NY. CERF Mobile AL.
Freeman, A., A. Henaghan, H. Louima, V. Martinez, and E. Taub (2018) The Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, invasion may be facilitated by high pesticide tolerance. International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, Puerto Madryn, Argentina.
Freeman, A., A. Henaghan, H. Louima, V. Martinez, and E. Taub (2017) Can pesticide tolerance favor invasive species? An example using marine crabs. The Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.
Martinez, V., E. Taub, and A. Freeman (2017) The native Eurypanopeus depressus mud crab is more inhibited by malathion than the invasive crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus. The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. New Orleans, LA.
Freeman, A.S., Blakeslee, A., Fowler, A., and Kulins, S. (2016) Invaders and zombie crabs: Does a rhizocephalan parasite facilitate the Asian shore crab invasive around Long Island, NY, USA. Benthic Ecology Meetings. Portland, ME.
Freeman, A.S., A. Blakeslee, A. Fowler, A. Frischeisen, and S. Kulins (2016) The impacts of an invasive crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus ) on estuarine fouling communities. International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. Sydney, Australia.
Freeman, A.S., Blakeslee, A., Fowler, A., Frischeisen, A., Kulins, S. and Taub, E. (2014) Anthropogenic facilitation and impacts of invasive Asian shore crab around Long Island, NY, USA. International Marine Conservation Congress. Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Freeman, A. (2020) “Suburban Estuaries – Is there a local solution to global pollution?” Garden City Community Club. Garden City, NY.
Freeman, A. (2019) “Oysters, Kelp and Long Island’s Coastal Estuaries”. Science Café, Oceanside Library, Oceanside, NY.
Freeman, A. (2019) “CORE and Kelp” Oyster Bay Cold Spring Harbor Protection Committee and Friends of the Bay. Oyster Bay, NY.
Freeman, A. (2016) “Zombie Crabs vs Invaders: Does a Marine Parasite Make its Host Vulnerable to another Invasive Crab?” Werth Center for Coastal and Marine Studies, Southern Connecticut State University.
Freeman, A., (2015) Zombies and invaders: Does a marine parasite make its crab host vulnerable to another invasive crab? Hofstra University, conference “Parasites and Pathogens: Ecological and Medical Impacts of Global Climate Change”