Kelly Cline, Holly Zullo, Mark Parker, John George, William Harris, Ann Stewart, and Christopher Storm (2011). Classroom Voting Questions that Provoke Teachable Moments in Differential Equations. In Kelly Cline and Holly Zullo (Eds.). Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting: With and Without Clickers. (pp. 141-149). MAA.
Christopher Storm (2011). Integrating Classroom Voting Into Your Lectures: Some Thoughts and Examples from a Differential Equations Course. In Kelly Cline and Holly Zullo (Eds.). Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting: With and Without Clickers. (pp. 131-141). MAA.
Holly Zullo, Kelly Cline, Mark Parker, Ron Buckmire, John George, Katharine Gurski, Jacob Juul Larsen, Blake Mellor, Jack Oberweiser, Dennis Peterson, John Scharf, Richard Spindler, Ann Stewart, Christopher Storm (2011). Student Surveys: What Do They Think? In Kelly Cline and Holly Zullo (Eds.). Teaching Mathematics with Classroom Voting: With and Without Clickers. (pp. 29-37). MAA.
C. Storm and H. Zullo (2015), How can mathematics students learn to play? The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 5(1), 191-197.
D. Klyve and C. Storm (2014), On formal graph-theoretic definitions of the Ihara zeta function. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, 14(2), 151-168.
E. Moseman and C. Storm (2014), On the Oriented Line Graph. Ars Combinatoria,, 114, 397-416.
C. Storm, S. Petrilli, and S. Petry (2014), Promoting Active Studying: The Study Challenge. The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 4(1), 149-165.
A. Setyadi and C. Storm (2013), Enumeration of graphs with the same Ihara zeta function. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438(1), 564-572.
A. Stewart, C. Storm, and L. VonEpps (2013), Analyzing Student Confidence in Classroom Voting with Multiple Choice Questions. RIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 23(8), 718-732.
H. Zullo, J. McGivney-Burelle, K. Cline, A. Stewart, C. Storm, D. Huckaby, T. Melvin (2013), Characteristics of Questions that Promote Rich Mathematical Discussions. MathAMATYC Educator, 4(3), 9-15.
Christopher Storm (2011), An iterative construction of isospectral digraphs. Discrete Mathematics, 311, 1323-1332.
Christopher Storm (2011), Some properties of graphs determined by edge zeta functions. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 434, 1285-1294.
Christopher Storm (2011), Ihara zeta functions: a bridge to isospectral digraph constructions. Graph Theory Notes of New York, LXI, 14--24.
Christopher Storm (2010), . Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 17.
Barry Balof and Christopher Storm (2010), Constructing non-isomorphic isospectral digraphs from hypergraphs. Journal of Graph Theory, 63, 231--242.
Lee Stemkoski and Christopher Storm (2009), . Loci Resources, 2.
Geoffrey Scott and Christopher Storm (2008), The coefficients of the Ihara zeta function. Involve, 1, 217--233.
Christopher K Storm (2008), . MAA FOCUS, 28, 1.
Christopher K. Storm (2006), . Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13, 26.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
C. Storm (2013, August). Teaching Mathematics, Get Real! Alder Award presentation at Mathfest Conference, Hartford, CT.
C. Storm (2013, January). You Published Your Dissertation, Now What? Panel Discussion organized by American Mathematical Society and Mathematics Association of America Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Christopher Storm (2011, May). Two isospectral digraph constructions inspired by Ihara zeta functions. Graph Theory Day 61.
Christopher Storm (2010, April). Podcasting 60-second Lectures. 91国产 Teaching with Technology Fair.
Christopher Storm (2009, December). Families of Graphs with the Same Ihara Zeta Function. 91国产 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Research Seminar.
Christopher Storm (2009, April). Clickers in the Classroom. 91国产 Teaching with Technology Fair.
Christopher Storm (2008, January). Hypergraph zeta functions and isospectral digraphs. AMS-AWM Special Session on Zeta Functions of Graphs, Ramanujan Graphs, and Related Topics, I; Joint Mathematics Meetings.
Christopher Storm (2007, December). The future of graph zeta functions. 91国产 -- Interdisciplinary Science Symposium.
Christopher Storm (2007, May). Extending the Ihara-Selberg zeta function to hypergraphs. UCLA Number Theory seminar.
Other Work
Other Work
In my role as media correspondent for the College Mathematics Journal, I have published the following article reviews in the Media Highlights column:
1) The 99th Fibonacci Identity and Tiling Proofs of Some Fibonacci-Lucas Relations, article review by Chris Storm for the Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (40)1, 2009.
2) An Elementary Proof of the Hook Formula, article review by Chris Storm for the Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (40)2, 2009.
3) A Pairing Strategy for Tic-Tac-Toe on the Integer Lattice with Numerous Directions, article review by Chris Storm for the Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (40)3, 2009.
4) Unreasonable Effectiveness, article review by Chris Storm for the Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (40)4, 2009.
5) An Interview with Kelly Cline, article review by Chris Storm for Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (40)5, 2009.
6) Flexible Color Lists in Alon and Tarsi's Theorem, and Time Scheduling with Unreliable Participants, article review by Chris Storm for Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (41)4, 2010.
7) Discrete Bidding Games, article review by Chris Storm for Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (41)5, 2010.
8) Recognizing Graph Theoretic Properties with Polynomial Ideals, article review by Chris Storm for Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (42)1, 2011.
9) Elementary Proof Techniques for the Maximum Number of Islands, article review by Chris Storm for Media Highlights column of The College Mathematics Journal, (42)2, 2011.
Senior Personnel, NSF grant Project MathVote, 2010 - 2013
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member (2013)
Research Release Time (2010-2011)
Research Release Time (2008-2009)
Exxon-Mobil Project NExT Fellow
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Lead Reviewer for Mathematics External Program Evaluation, Nassau Community College (2015)
Member of Journal Editorial Board of Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics
Media Correspondent for College Mathematics
Referee, Discrete Mathematics
Referee, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Referee, Integers
Referee, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Referee, Proceedings of Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics Conference (AGC2010)
Reviewer for Math Reviews
Grant Reviewer, MITACS
Grant Evaluator, MITACS
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by 91国产 of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.