Araujo Dawson, B., & Quiros, L. (accepted). Microaggressions and identity: Deconstructing experiences of microaggressions among Dominicans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
Araujo Dawson, B., Kilgore, W., & Rawcliffe. R. (2022). Social justice and equity as a lens to strengthen learning design and student support. Journal of Educational Research and Practice.
Lopez-Humphreys, M., Araujo Dawson, B., & Rosich, G. R. (2022). Discomforting pedagogies and affective learning processes in diversity & social justice courses. Social Work Education, 1-22.
Araujo Dawson, B., Carvalho, K., & Cuevas, A. (2022). The relationship between subjective social status, mental health disparities, and the mediating role of discrimination among Latinx populations. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-7.
Waldman, K., Stickley, A., Araujo Dawson, B., & Ohs, S. (2020). Racial discrimination and disability among Asian and Latinx populations in the United States. Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation. 1-10. DOI:
Lopez-Humphreys, M., Teatre, B., Araujo Dawson, B., & Hayes, V. (2019). Exploring the Professional Identity of Social Work Academics. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 22(1), xx-xx.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Suárez, Z. E. (2017). How does transnationalism affect the perceptions of discrimination among Dominicans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans? Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 1-15.
Cuevas, A. G., Araujo Dawson, B., & Williams, D. R. (2016). Race and skin color in Latino health: An analytic review. American journal of public health, 106(12), 2131-2136.
Araujo Dawson, B. (2015), Understanding the complexities of acculturation, skin color, race and discrimination among Cubans, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.
Araújo Dawson, B., & Lopez-Humphreys, M. (2015), Understanding the role of gender in perceptions of discrimination among Dominican immigrants. Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies..
Araújo Dawson, B. & Fenster, J. (2015), Guidelines for developing and implementing an online environment in a School of Social Work. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35(4), 365-377.
Araujo Dawson, B. & Quiros, L. (2014), The effects of racial socialization on the racial and ethnic identity development of Latinas. Journal of Latina/o Psychology.
Lopez-Humphreys, M., & Araújo Dawson, B. (2014), The impact of intergroup dialogue on students’ social justice activity. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 19.
Quiros, L., & Araújo Dawson, B. (2013), The Color Paradigm: The impact of colorism on the racial identity and identification of Latinas. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 23(3), 287-297.
Araujo Dawson, B., Perez, R, & Suarez-Orozco, C. (2012), Exploring differences in family involvement and depressive symptoms across Latino adolescent groups. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(2).
Kyriakakis, S., Araujo Dawson, B. & Edmond, T. (2012), Mexican Immigrant Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Conceptualization and Descriptions of Abuse. Violence and Victims.
Perez, R., Araujo Dawson, B., & Suarez-Orozco, C. (2011), . Journal of Family Social Work, 14(5), 429-445.
Philip, C. L., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2011), Asians, Latinos and Blacks: Understanding the complexities of race and ethnicity. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations.
Williams, S., & Araújo Dawson, B. (2011), The effects of familial capital on the academic achievement of elementary Latino/a students. Families in Society, 92(1), 1-8.
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Araújo Dawson, B. (2011), Predictors of self-esteem among Dominican immigrant women: An exploratory study. The Journal of Social Work in Public Health's Special Issue,, 25(5), 60-77.
Araújo Dawson, B., & Cameron Kelly, D. (2010), Deconstructing social disconnectedness to understand the cross-national transmission of racism: A critical Race theory perspective. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations., 10(1), 309-320.
Araújo Dawson, B., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2010), Discrimination and acculturative stress among first generation Dominicans. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32(2), 216-231.
Araujo Dawson, B. (2009), Discrimination, stress and acculturation among Dominican women. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 31(1), 96 - 111.
Araujo Dawson, B. & Williams, S. (2008), The impact of language status as an acculturative stressor on internalizing and externalizing symptoms among Latino/a children: A longitudinal analysis from school entry through third grade. Journal of Youth and Adolescence., 37(4), 399-411.
Araujo Dawson, B., Williams, S., & Lopez-Humphreys, M. (2007), Exploring Language Dominance, English Literacy and Life Satisfaction among Dominican Children of Immigrant Parents: A Pilot Study. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Services, 5(3), 61-76..
Araujo, B., & Borrell, L. (2006), Understanding the link between discrimination, life chances and mental health outcomes among Latino/as. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,, 28(2),, 245-266..
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Quiros, L., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2022, November). Deconstructing the racialized Latinx experience in practice and the classroom. Council of Social Work Education Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Quiros, L., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2022, June). Trauma-informed inclusive leadership: from a Social Justice Lens. NSWM Forward Thinking Summit. Virtual Workshop.
Lopez Humphreys, M., Araujo Dawson, B., & Roisch, G. (2021, November). Discomforting teaching approaches Fostering Embodied Presence in Diversity & Justice Courses. Council of Social Work Education. Virtual.
Rawcliffe, R., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2021, November). Course design and facilitation through the Disaster Life Cycle: Preparing for Post-Pandemic Social Work Education. New York State Education Association Conference. Virtual.
Rawcliffe, R., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2021, April). Equity-centered online pedagogy: Exploring trauma-informed facilitation, design, and implementation. Social Work Distance Education Conference (SWDE). Virtual.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Kilgore, W. (2020, November). DEsIgning for All: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion meets online program design and student support. Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Virtual. Social Work Distance Education Conference (SWDE). San Antonio, Texas. Araujo Dawson, B., & Rawcliffe, R. (2020, November). The Reluctant Educator: How COVID-19 Changed the Landscape of one School of Social Work. Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Virtual.
Araujo Dawson, B., &
Kilgore, W. (2020, November). DEsIgning for All: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion meets online program design and student support. Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Virtual.Gupta, L. & Araujo Dawson, B., (2019, April). Innovative Course Design: What Social Work Faculty Need to Know. Social Work Distance Education conference (SWDE). San Antonio, Texas.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Gupta, L. (2018, November). Retention in hybrid programs: Lessons learned. Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Orlando, Florida.
Gupta, L. & Araujo Dawson, B., (2018, April). Residency, relationship, and retention in hybrid and blended programs. Social Work Distance Education conference (SWDE). Indianapolis, Indiana.
Araujo Dawson, B. (2017, October). The strength of residencies in social work distance education: A case study. Workshop. Presentation at Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Dallas, Texas.
Quiros, L., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2016, November). Postcolonial Theory and Latina Racial Identity: Practice and Pedagogical Implications. Presentation at Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Atlanta, Georgia.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Quiros, L. (2016, November). Microaggressions Among Dominican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban Women. Interactive Poster at Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Atlanta, Georgia.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Joyce, T. (2016, April). Exploring Social Work students' experiences with Voicethread. Social work Distance Education conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Araujo Dawson, B. (2015, October). Using VoiceThread to Enhance Online Social Work Courses. Group Discussion at Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Denver, Colorado.
Joyce, P., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2015, October). Best Practices in Teaching Both Foundation and Advanced Human Behavior Online. Group Discussion at Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Denver, Colorado.
Perez, R., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2015, January). Predictors of Latino/a Youth Internalizing Behaviors. Electronic Poster Presentation at Society for Social Work Research (SSWR). New Orleans, LO.
Perez, R., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2014). Acculturation, familism and depression: an exploratory study among Latino families. In Council of Social Work Education (CSWE).. Tampa, FL.
Fenster, J., & Araujo Dawson, B. (2013). In Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). Dallas, TX.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Quiros, L. (2013). The influence of colorism on racial identification and racial identity among Latinas. In Society for Social Work Research (SSWR). San Diego, CA.
Araujo Dawson, B., Perez, R, & Suarez-Orozco, C. (2012). Exploring differences in family involvement and depressive symptoms across Latino adolescent groups. In Society for Social Work Research (SSWR). Washington, DC.
Araujo Dawson, B., & Lopez Humphreys, M (2011). Varied experiences of Latina Immigrants: Understanding the role of sex in perceptions of discrimination among Dominican immigrant women. In Poster presentation at Society for Social Work Research (SSWR). Tampa, Florida.
Araújo Dawson, B., & Berger, R. (2010). Culturally responsive professional schools: addressing the needs of diverse students. In One Voice International Conference and Forum.. Tarrytown, N.Y..
Cameron Kelly, D., & Araújo Dawson, B. (2010). Deconstructing social disconnectedness to understand the cross-national transmission of racism: and its impact on the dimensions of difference, civic identity and democratic representation. In International conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. Belfast, Ireland.
Williams, S.A. & Araujo Dawson, B. (2010). Evaluation of family capital on the academic achievement of Latino/a children. In Society for Social Work Research (SSWR). San Francisco, California.
Araujo Dawson, B. & Williams, S.A. (2009). A longitudinal assessment of acculturative stressors on internalizing and externalizing symptoms among Latino/a children. In Society for Social Work Research (SSWR). New Orleans, Louisiana.
Araujo, B. & Muroff, J. (2006). Meeting the mental health needs of Latino immigrant children: An evaluation of a school based support group. In Sixth Annual Diversity Challenge: “Do immigrants catch or carry race and culture?. Boston College: Boston, Mass.
Araujo, B. (2005). Understanding the link between discrimination, life chances and mental health outcomes among Latino/as. In Kellogg Scholars Annual Meeting. Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, NY, NY..