Bradley, Robert E., Petrilli, Salvatore J., Sandifer, C. Edward (2015). . Cham, Switzerland: Birkhäuser.
Robert E. Bradley, C. Edward Sandifer (2009). Cauchy's Cours d'analyse: An Annotated Translation. New York: Springer.
Robert E. Bradley, Lawrence A. D'Antonio, C. Edward Sandifer (2007). Euler at 300: An Appreciaiton. Washington, DC: Mathemaitcal Association of America.
Robert E. Bradley, C. Edward Sandifer (2007). Leonhard Euler: Life, Work and Legacy. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Bradley, Robert E. (2015). Preface. How Euler Did Even More. (pp. xi-xiii). Washington, DC: Mathematical Assocaition of America.
Bradley, Robert E. (2015). The Moon and the Differential. How Euler Did Even More. (pp. 166-171). Washington, DC: Mathematical Assocaition of America.
Bradley, Robert E. (2015). Did Euler Prove Cramer’s Theorem? How Euler Did Even More. (pp. 32-37). Washington, DC: Mathematical Assocaition of America.
Bradley, R. E. (2011). Cusps: Horns and Beaks. In R. Jardine, A. Shell-Gellasch (Eds.). Mathematical Time Capsules. (pp. 89-99). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Robert E. Bradley, C. Edward Sandifer (2007). On the Utility of Higher Mathematics. In C. E. Sandifer (Eds.). The Early Mathematics of Leonhard Euler. (pp. 382-386). Washington, DC: Mathmatical Association of America.
Robert E., Bradley (2007). The Genoese Lottery and the Partition Function. In R. E. Bradley, L. A. D’Antonio, C. E. Sandifer (Eds.). Euler at 300: An Appreciation. (pp. 203-215). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Robert E. Bradley, Lawrence A. D’Antonio, C. Edward Sandifer (2007). Introduction. In R. E. Bradley, L. A. D’Antonio, C. E. Sandifer (Eds.). Euler at 300: An Appreciation. (pp. ix-xiii). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Robert E. Bradley (2007). Three Bodies? Why not Four? The Motion of the Lunar Apsides. In R. E. Bradley, L. A. D’Antonio, C. E. Sandifer (Eds.). Euler at 300: An Appreciation. (pp. 227-238). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
C. Edward Sandifer, Robert E Bradley (2007). Introduction. In R. E. Bradley, C. E. Sandifer (Eds.). Leonhard Euler: Life, Work and Legacy. (pp. 1-4). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Robert E. Bradley (2007). Euler, D'Alembert and the Logarithm Function. In R. E. Bradley, C. E. Sandifer (Eds.). Leonhard Euler: Life , Work and Legacy. (pp. 255-277). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Robert E. Bradley (1996). The uniqueness of induced operators. In V. Bergelson, P. March & J. Rosenblatt (Eds.). Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability. (pp. 133-136). New York, NY: de Gruyter.
Robert E. Bradley (1991). Concerning induced operators and alternating sequences. In A. Bellow & R. Jones (Eds.). Almost Everywhere Convergence II. (pp. 85-92). Boston, MA: Academic Press.
Bradley, Robert E. (2013), De l’Hôpital, Bernoulli, and the Genesis of Analyse des infiniment petits. Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 28, 16-24.
Bradley, R. E., Stemkoski, L. J. (2011), . Convergence, 8.
R. E. Bradley, S. J. Petrilli (2010), . Concergence, 7.
R. E. Bradley, S. J. Petrilli (2010), . Convergence, 7.
Bradley, R. E. (2009), How Euler Did It.
Bradley, R. E. (2009), . How Euler Did It.
Bradley, R. E. (2009), Cauchy's Analysis: A Break with the Past? Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 21, 36-52.
Bradley, R. E. (2008), Euler's Resolution of Cramer's Paradox. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 20, 48-58.
Bradley, R. E., Caparrini, S. (trans.) (2008), La "Euler Society". Lettera Matematica Pristem, 66, 90-93.
Bannon, T. J.. Bradley, R. E. (2008), Mind the Gap. College Mathematics Journal, 39, 95-101.
Robert E. Bradley (2007), Euler's Legacy in Probability and Statistics. Oberwolfach Report, 2007/38, 38-39.
Bradley, R. E. (2006), The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. International Journal of Mathematics Computer Science, 1, 243-268.
Bradley, R. E. (2006), The Genoese Lottery and the Partition Function. Proc. Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 18 (2005), 47-61.
Bradley, R. E. (2006), . Convergence, 2.
Bradley, R. E., Thiele, R (2005), Gespraech mit Peter Lax. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Verinigung, 13, 90-96.
Bradley, R. E. (2005), Three Bodies? Why not Four? The Motion of the Lunar Apsides. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 17 (2004), 62-73.
Bradley, R. E. (2004), . Convergence, 1.
Bradley, R. E. (2004), The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 16 (2003), 69-94.
Bradley, R. E. (2003), Euler, d'Alembert and the Logarithm Function. Proceedings of the Euler Society, 1 (2002), [CD-ROM].
Bradley, R. E. (2003), Propriety, Priority and Polemic: Disputes in the Euler-d'Alembert Correspondence. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 15 (2002), 22-35.
Allaire P. R., Bradley, R. E. (2002), Symbolical Algebra as a Foundation for Calculus: D. F. Gregory's Contributions. Historia Mathematica, 29, 395-427.
Allaire P. R., Bradley, R. E. (2002), D. F. Gregory's Quest for an Algebraic Foundation of the Calculus. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 14 (2001), 57-78.
Bradley, R. E. (2002), The Origins of Linear Operator Theory in the Work of François-Joseph Servois. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 14 (2001), 1-15.
Chrysafi, L., Bradley, R. E. (2002), Returns to the Origin for Random Walks on Z. Missouri J. Math. Sci., 14, 96-107.
Allaire P. R., Bradley, R. E. (2001), Geometric Approaches to Quadratic Equations from Other Times and Places. Mathematics Teacher, 94, 308-313, 319.
Bradley, R. E., Windwer, S. (1996), Loop-erased self-avoiding random walks in four and five dimensions. J. Computational Chemistry, 17, 1750-1756.
Bradley, R. E., Windwer, S. (1995), The dynamic algorithm for loop-erased self-avoiding random walks in two and three dimensions. Phys. Rev. E, 51, 241-244.
Bradley, R. E. (1994), The Riemann-Stietljes integral. Missouri J. Math. Sci., 6, 20-28.
Bradley, R. E. (1991), On induced operators. Canad. J. Math., 43, 477-494.
Bradley, R. E. (1991), Pseudospectral operators and the pointwise ergodic theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 112, 863-870.
Akcoglu, M. A. Bradley, R. E. (1991), Alternating sequences and induced operators. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 325, 765-791.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Bradley, Robert E. (2015). Euler on l’Hôpital’s Analyse. In Mathematical Association of America MathFest. Washington, DV.
Robert E. Bradley (2010). Euler's Algebraic Analysis. In Euler Society Annual Meeting. 91¹ú²ú, Garden City, NY.
Robert E. Bradley (2010). Series Summation in Cauchy's Algebraic Analysis. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC.
Robert E. Bradley (2009). The Euler-Cramer Correspondence. In Euler Society Annual Meeting. Roger Williams University, Portsmouth, RI.
Robert E. Bradley (2008). The Transition from Euler to Cauchy: The Case of Recurrent Series. In American Mathematical Society, Northeastern Section. Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.
Robert E. Bradley (2008). Euler's Contributions to Probability and Statistics. In Euler Society Annual Meeting. 91¹ú²ú, Garden City, NY 11530.
Robert E. Bradley (2008). Cauchy's Analysis: A Break with the Past? In Canadian Society for History and Philosphy of Mathematics. Vancouver, BC.
Robert E. Bradley (2007). Teaching a Liberal Arts Seminar on Leonhard Euler. In MAA MathFest/Euler Society. San Jose, CA.
Robert E. Bradley (2007). Euler's Resolution of Cramer's Paradox. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC.
Robert E. Bradley (2007). Euler and the Prehistory of Statistics. In AMS Special Session on the History of Mathematics on Leonhard Euler's Tercentenary, AMS Eastern Section Meeting. Hoboken, NJ.
Robert E. Bradley (2007). Functions vs. Equations in Euler's Work. In MAA Contributed Paper Session on Euler in the Classroom, Joint Mathematics Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Robert E. Bradley (2006). Euler and the Theory of Equations. In Euler 2006 Conference. College of St. Rose, Albany, NY.
Robert E. Bradley (2006). Reflections on the Vibrating String Problem. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Toronto, ON.
Robert E. Bradley (2006). Whose Theorem Is It Anyway? In Mathematical Association of America, New Jersey Section meeting. Georgian Court University.
Robert E. Bradley (2005). On the Partition of Numbers. In Middle Atlantic Symposium on the History of Mathematics. Villanova University.
Robert E. Bradley (2005). Euler's Application of the Partition Function. In AMS Special Session on History of Mathematics, AMS Sectional Meeting. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.
Robert E. Bradley (2005). The Genoese Lottery and the Partition Function. In Euler 2005 Conference. Portsmouth, RI.
Robert E. Bradley (2005). The Genoese Lottery and the Partition Function. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Waterloo, ON.
Robert E. Bradley (2005). Object and Attribute: the case of Curves and Equations. In Joint Mathematics Meeting, MAA Session on Philosophy of Mathematics. Atlanta, GA.
Robert E. Bradley (2004). Graphs and Equations: an 18th Century Paradigm Shift. In AMS Eastern Section. Pittsburgh, PA.
Robert E. Bradley (2004). Putting Some History into an Introductory Real Analysis Course. In MAA Mathfest, Special Session on Introductory Real Analysis. Providence, RI.
Robert E. Bradley (2004). Euler, d'Alembert and the Vibrating String Problem. In Euler Society 2004. Portsmouth, RI.
Robert E. Bradley (2004). Three Bodies? Why not Four? The Motion of the Lunar Apsides. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Annual Meeting. Cambridge, UK.
Robert E. Bradley (2004). The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. In MAA, New Jersey section. New Brunswick, NJ.
Robert E. Bradley (2004). Accounting for the Phenomena: Newton's Laws Come of Age. In Joint Mathematics Meeting, MAA Session on Truth in Using the History of Mathematics in Teaching Mathematics. Phoenix, AZ.
Robert E. Bradley (2003). The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. In Computer and Math Club, 91¹ú²ú. Garden City, NY.
Robert E. Bradley (2003). To Speak of Many Things: of Logs, and Roots, and Beaks of Birds, of Spheres and Nodding Rings. In Euler Society 2003. Portsmouth, RI.
Robert E. Bradley (2003). The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Annual Meeting. Halifax, NS.
Robert E. Bradley (2003). Euler's All-Purpose Counterexample. In AMS Eastern Section. New York, NY.
Robert E. Bradley (2003). Reducing imaginary quantities: an episode from the history of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. In Joint Mathematics Meeting, AMS-MAA Special Session on History of Mathematics. Baltimore, MD.
Robert E. Bradley (2003). A Seminar on the Foundations of Calculus Incorporating Original Sources. In Joint Mathematics Meeting,. MAA Special Session on Incorporating History of Mathematics in the Mathematics Classroom.
Robert E. Bradley (2002). The Nodding Sphere and the Bird's Beak; A Vignette from the Euler-d'Alembert Correspondence. In AMS Eastern Section. Boston, MA.
Robert E. Bradley (2002). Euler, d'Alembert and the Logarithm Function. In Euler Society 2002. Rumford, ME.
Robert E. Bradley (2002). Priority Disputes and the Euler-d'Alembert Correspondence. In Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON.
Robert E. Bradley (2002). Propriety, Polemic and Priority: The Euler-d'Alembert Correspondence. In AMS-MAA Special Session on History of Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Robert E. Bradley (2002). The Waffle Algorithm for Egyptian Fractions. In MAA Session on History of Mathematics in the Second Millennium, Joint Mathematics Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Bradley, Robert E. (2015, May). L’Hôpital’s Synthesis of Calculus and Geometry. Frederick V. Pohle Colloquium on the History of Mathematics, Garden City, NY.
Bradley, Robert E. (2015, April). Who Wrote L’Hôpitals’ Calculus Book? CUNY - Queensborough Community College, New York, NY.
Bradley, Robert E. (2015, February). L’Hôpital’s Synthesis of Calculus and Geometry. Philadelphia Area Seminar on the History of Mathematics, Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
Bradley, Robert E. (2014, November). Euler’s Berlin Period and the Foundations of Differential Calculus. History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Bradley, Robert E. (2014, January). The Geometric Calculus of Bernoulli and L’Hôpital. Joint Matheamtics Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Bradley, Robert E. (2013, March). Who Wrote L’Hôpital’s Calculus Book? Mathematical Association of America, Intermountain Section, Rexburg, ID.
Bradley, Robert E. (2013, March). Who Wrote L’Hôpital’s Calculus Book? Westerm Carolina State University, Cullowhee, NC.
Bradley, Robert E. (2013, March). L’Hôpital, Bernoulli and the First Calculus Book. Frederick V. Pohle Colloquium on the History of Mathematics, Garden City, NY.
Bradley, Robert E. (2012, June). Render Unto Bernoulli: The Origins and Contents of L’Hôpital’s Analyse. Mathematical Association of America, Northeast Section, New Britain, CT.
Bradley, Robert E., Petrilli, Salvatore J. (2012, April). Render Unto Bernoulli: Who Really Wrote the First Calculus Book? Faculty Works in Progress, 91¹ú²ú, Garden City, NY.
Bradley, Robert E. (2012, March). The Origins and Contents of de l’Hôpital’s Analyse. Philadelphia Area Seminar on the History of Mathematics, Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
Bradley, Robert E. (2012, January). Evolutes in the Works of Huygens and Johann Bernoulli. Joint Matheamtics Meeting, Boston, MA.
Robert E. Bradley (2011, December). Editing and Translating G. F. A. de l’Hôpital’s Analyse. Editing Historical Mathematics, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Robert E. Bradley (2011, November). L’Hôpital’s Differentials and Cauchy’s Calculus Reform. MAA Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Section Meeting, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA.
Robert E. Bradley (2011, July). Involutes and Evolutes from Huygens to Euler. The Euler Lecture, Euler 2011 Meeting, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI.
Robert E. Bradley (2011, April). The Binomial Theorem from Newton to Cauchy. Pohle Colloquium, 91¹ú²ú.
Robert E. Bradley (2010, April). From Differentials to Limits: Fleeting Flirtations and Lingering Loyalties. MAA NJ Meeting, Edison, NJ.
Robert E. Bradley (2010, March). From Differentials to Limits: Fleeting Flirtations and Lingering Loyalties. Rose-Hulman Institute, Terre Haute, IN.
Robert E. Bradley (2010, January). Cauchy's Cours d'analyse. Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Robert E. Bradley (2009, October). L'Hospital to Cauchy: Translating the Classics of Analysis. Queens College, Oxford University, UK.
Robert E. Bradley (2009, September). From Differentials to Limits: Fleeting Flirtations and Lingering Loyalties. University of Victoria (British Columbia).
Robert E. Bradley (2009, February). From Enlightenment Lunar Theories to the Discovery of Extra Solar Planets - Discussant. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Robert E. Bradley (2009, January). Saving the Phenomena: Limits from Maclaurin to Cauchy. AMS-MAA Special Session on the History of Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meeting, Washington, DC.
Robert E. Bradley (2008, April). The Life and Legacy of Leonhard Euler. Public Lecture, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, August). Euler's Legacy in Probability and Statistics. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, August). Euler's Analytic Geometry. MAA MathFest/Euler Society, San Jose, CA.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, March). The Evolution of Mathematical Ideas in Personal Correspondence: Euler and D'Alembert. Mathematics: History and Connections, SUNY Suffolk.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, March). Leonhard Euler in the classroom. Sonya Kovalevksy Day, St. John's University.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, February). Logarithms of Negative Numbers: Euler vs. D'Alembert. Roger Williams University.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, January). Cramer's Paradox from Euler to Bézout. AMS-MAA Special Session on the History of Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Robert E. Bradley (2007, January). D'Alembert, Clairaut and Lagrange: Euler and the French Mathematical Community. MAA Short Course: Leonhard Euler - Looking Back After 300 Years, New Orleans, LA.
Robert E. Bradley (2006, December). Theory of Equations from Leonhard Euler to Etienne Bézout. The Frederick V. Pohle Colloquium Series on the History of Mathematics, 91¹ú²ú.
Robert E. Bradley (2006, November). Logarithms of Negative Numbers: Euler vs. D'Alembert. The College of New Jersey.
Robert E. Bradley (2004, June). The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. MAA New England Section meeting, Roger Williams University.
Robert E. Bradley (2002, November). The Curious Case of the Bird's Beak. Queensborough Community College, CUNY.
Robert E. Bradley (2002, April). Propriety, Priority and Polemic: the Euler-d'Alembert Correspondence. Montclair State University.
Robert E. Bradley (2001, November). The Euler-d'Alembert Correspondence and Complex Logarithms. Philadelphia Area Seminar on the History of Mathematics.
Other Work
Other Work
Published Translation (with S. J. Petrilli): "Essay on a New Method of Exposition of the Principles of Differential Calculus," by Francois-Joseph Servois, 1814, appendix to "Servois' 1814 Essay on a New Method of Exposition of the Principles of the Differential Calculus," Convergence,, November 2010.
Book Review: "La Revolution Symbolique," M. Serfati, Bulletin of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics, May 2010.
Published Translation (with S. J. Petrilli): "Reflections on the various systems of exposition of the principles of the differential calculus," by François-Joseph Servois, 1814, appendix to "Servois' 1814 Essay on the Principles of the Differential Calculus," Convergence,, April 2010.
Book Review: "Leonhard Euler and the Bernoullis," M. B. W. Tent, Newsletter of the London Mathematical Society, April 2010.
Book Review: "Lacroix and the Calculus," J. C. Domingues, in Historia Mathematica 36 (2009), 271-273.
Book Review: "Leonhard Euler: incomparable géomètre," P. Henry, in Historia Mathematica 36 (2009), 271-273.
Book Review: "Plato's Ghost: the Modernist Transformation of Mathematics," J. Gray, in Times Higher Education, 12 March 2009.
Book Review: "General Theory of Algebraic Equations," E. Bézout, trans. E. Feron, MAA Online Book Reviews, 22 January 2009,
Book Review: "Euler's Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology," D. S. Richeson, in Times Higher Education, 8 January 2009.
Session Chair: "Celebrating the Leonhard Euler Tercentenary," History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, November 4, 2007.
Book Review: "Mathematics and the Historian's Craft: The Kenneth O. May Lectures," ed. M. Kinyon and G. Van Brumellen, Historia Mathematica 34 (2007), 238-240.
Book Review: "The Genius of Euler," W. Dunham, ed., MAA Online Book Reviews, February 2007,
Published Translation: (with C. E. Sandifer) "On the Utility of Higher Mathematics," by Leonhard Euler, 1741, in C. Edward Sandifer, The Early Mathematics of Leonhard Euler, Mathematical Association of America, 2007, 382-386.
Book Review: "Conics," by K. Kendig, MAA Online Book Reviews, June 2006,
Book Review: "John Pell (1611-1685) and his Correspondence with Sir Charles Cavendish," by N. Malcolm and J. Stedall, MAA Online Book Reviews, February 2006,
Published Translation: (with S. Jones) "Research on the Precession of the Equinoxes and on the Nutation of the Earth's Axis," by Leonhard Euler, 1751, Convergence,, January 2006 with and on
Published Translation: "On the Cuspidal Point of the second kind of Monsieur le Marquis de l'Hospital," by Leonhard Euler, 1751, Convergence,, January 2006 and on
Published Translation: "Notice on the Subject of Recherches sur la précession des équinoxes," by Leonhard Euler, 1752, Convergence,, January 2006 and on
Book Review: "Intersection of Random Walks," by G. F. Lawler, Annals of Probability, 24 (1996), 1638-1642.
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